LaTeX templates — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Modelo não oficial de trabalhos acadêmicos do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro.

HKUST Thesis template for RPG implemented with LaTeX3 香港科技大学研究型研究生(RPG)毕业论文模板 请阅读PDF文档(支持中英文) Please read the PDF documentation. Chinese and Engligh support. GitHub & PDF Documentation: hkustthesis, hkust-thesis Latest version: v0.11.0 Dated: 2025/Feb/03 An important update to meet the latest requirements by the Graduate School. See: for more information.

An updated LaTeX template for a thesis, tailored towards candidates for degrees at the University of Oxford, previously named ociamthesis.cls. This specific template is fitted with options for those undertaking the MEng in Materials Science Part II (with formatting guidelines under More details under Originally by Keith A. Gillow (, 1997 Modified by Sam Evans (, 2007 Modified by John McManigle (, 2015 Modified by Robin Scales (, 2023 Modified by Qianyi Sun (, 2025

Official Thesis/ Dissertation Template

IPLeiria Thesis is an open-source LaTeX template designed for creating professional theses, dissertations, and academic reports specifically tailored for the Polytechnic University of Leiria students. This template, while not being the official institutional template yet, ensures a clean, aesthetically pleasing, and professional design while remaining highly customizable to suit various needs. The template is also user-friendly, making it accessible even for newcomers! Note: This project is publicly available on GitHub. Version: 2.2.2

此项目旨在帮助桂林电子科技大学的毕业生高效地完成毕业论文的写作,使用前请阅读README文档,关注项目获取更新,同时也欢迎同学们参与该项目。 由于免费编译时长限制,后续更新将不会同步至 overleaf,请关注 Github 主页 项目地址:GUET_Thesis_LaTeX 本次更新内容如下: 1. Linux 中的英文字体将采用 STIX 字体(与 Times New Roman 仅有细微差别,详细请看 README) 2. Linux 中的中英字体将不再包含在该仓库中(提供 中英字体下载链接和下载脚本(二选一即可),都在 Fonts 文件夹内,Linux 用户自行下载即可) 3. 改进字体下载脚本命令; 4. 完善精简 README,将相关说明内容添加到仓库 Wiki 中; 5. 新增 LaTeX 编译相关的说明。

LaTeX class implementing the Style Guide for AFIT Theses, Dissertations, and Graduate Research Papers. Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited.

Adjusted template for theses and reports at UPB - NLP group.

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