This is a latex template for graduate works, masters dissertation and doctoral thesis at the School of Technology (FT) of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
The template is in accordance with the latest version of the Norms for the printing of thesis/dissertations of the UNICAMP (CCPG Nº 002/2021).
The comments in the files are in Portuguese.
Last Update in January/2/2025.
Text in Portuguese:
Este é um modelo Latex para teses de doutorado e dissertações de mestrado da Faculdade de Tecnologia (FT) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).
O modelo está de acordo com a última versão das Normas para impressão de teses/dissertações da UNICAMP (CCPG Nº 002/2021).
Última atualização 2/Janeiro/2025.
Template for PhD / TFM and TFG for the UAH (Universidad de Alcalá) created by Javier Macías-Guarasa under GNU GPL license. More info here:
More details and official info here:
Thesis Template used in the Biology Department (DiBio) at the University of Padua
link to the template guidelines (they are in Italian)
Preamble (automatically downloads a word file)
Geometry specifications
In English (same specifications)
retrieved from the biology department website pages:
Dies ist eine inoffizielle LaTeX Vorlage für Abschlussarbeiten an der HTWK Leipzig.
This is an unofficial LaTeX Template for german theses at the HTWK Leipzig (University of Applied Sciences Leipzig).
Dies ist eine inoffizielle LaTeX Vorlage für Belegarbeiten und Berichte an der HTWK Leipzig.
This is an unofficial LaTeX Template for german term papers at the HTWK Leipzig (University of Applied Sciences Leipzig).