Template using official colors of Czech Technical University.
They are defined by new graphical manual - 2017.
Specially designed for Laboratory of Structure of Biomolecules.
Share and modify as you like. Keep the name of the author.
It is forbidden to use the template commercially./>
Author: Martin Malý.
Published: 23.9.2017.
This is a VERY simple and minimalistic beamer theme,
even reminiscent of marker pens on transparencies!
It mimics the look of the "seminar" package, which
can only be used with plain TeX.
There are also some comments and example to show how
to customise various elements, e.g. the font and colours.
This is an example showing how you can create animations in Beamer using the xmpmulti package, and a series of images named <filename>-<order>.<format>.