A two-day seminar on natural language processing applications and techniques, to undergraduates (diploma and bachelor programmes) at KDU College Penang, in March 2015.
SDU Bachelor Thesis Template
If you think this will help you, I'd appreciate it if you can give a star on this project's github page[https://github.com/MonsterXia/Shandong-University-Undergraduate-Thesis-Design-Template].
2022年修订的《中国科学院大学研究生学位论文撰写规范和指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》)从2023年冬季批次开始实施。从网上可以下载到依此指导意见编写而成的《中国科学院大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板》。为方便中央财经大学的同学使用,在对《中国科学院大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板》微调之后成此模板。感谢 $Huangrui Mo huangrui.mo@gmail.com !$
另外,在 Mac 上的目录字体,会因为与章节内字体的相同,而没有显示出粗体,但是原模板在Overleaf上显示正常,故作了修改。所以,若在Linux 或 Windows上使用使用本模板,无须改动;如果是在 Mac 上,则需要在 /Style/cufethesis.cls 的文件中 将 % for Mac 所标记的几行的注释去掉,同时注释掉相应的行。
[2024.05] An updated version of the bachelor thesis template of Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. Minor revision based on the reference: GitHub https://github.com/Zipper-1/xjtuthesis/tree/master and Overleaf https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/xjtu-bachelor-thesis-latex-template/vtrzctjqnpzv.
For reference only. For all detailed requirements, please refer to the latest regulations of the school, institution, etc. This template is not guaranteed to be completely error-free. All the meta information in the template, like name, major, and content, are fictitious.
Non-commercial, no copyright reserved.