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Overleaf is free to use, however, our range of premium plans provide a number of additional features, as well as a longer maximum compile time (the compile timeout). This increased limit allows larger and more complex projects to compile without timing out.

We set a limit on the compile timeout for free plans to make sure we can support the compilation of all our users’ projects.

Free plan Premium plans
Compile timeout 20 seconds 240 seconds
Maximum number of files per project 2000 2000
Maximum size of editable material per project 7 MB 7 MB
Maximum size of an individual editable text file 2 MB* 2 MB*
Maximum size of an individual upload 50 MB 50 MB
Maximum size of project Unlimited† Unlimited†
Maximum number of projects Unlimited Unlimited

* Some larger files may remain editable under certain circumstances. However, to ensure that a file remains editable, you should limit its size to 2 MB or less.

† There's no enforced limit on total project size. However, you may find some technical limitations when working with very large projects. We recommend a maximum project size of 500 MB, or less than 100 MB if using GitHub sync or our Git integration. Projects above these sizes may work, but staying within these limits will give you the best experience.

More about our premium plans

Our premium plans include the Standard, Professional, and Student plans. We also offer plans for groups and organizations. As well as a longer compile timeout, they provide additional features such as project history, track changes and integrations with Git and GitHub, Dropbox, Zotero and Mendeley.

The Standard, Professional and Student plans also allow subscribers to invite more than one named collaborator to their projects: 6 collaborators per project for Student subscriptions, 10 for Standard subscriptions, and an unlimited number for Professional subscriptions.

See the plans page for an overview of the available plans.

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX