Shape Symposium 2015 Template
LaTeX Template Version 1.5 (18/5/15). This template has been downloaded from:
Original author: Frits Wenneker (
Modified by Michael Kistler (
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
This is an IEEE based template that can be used for presenting your work on the Open Science Data Cloud. Use it for the PIRE Workshop challenge and other submissions such as the Supercomputing 2014 conference.
Modelo para a escrita de relatórios de aulas práticas da disciplina de redes de computadores, do curso de ciência da computação da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
Template for submissions to the Spanish Conference on Computer Graphics (CEIG 2022).
Plantilla para el envío de trabajos a la Conferencia Española en informática Gráfica (CEIG 2022).
This is an official template of The ISC International Journal of Information Security (ISeCure).
ISeCure is a peer reviewed scholarly publication by Iranian Society of Cryptology. ISeCure is published biannually in print and online with full texts of articles made available for free on the website of the journal under ISeCure open access policy. ISeCure is devoted to publishing theoretical scholarship on a variety of topics related to information security. The intended audience of the journal is any person with an interest in information security from an academic perspective such as engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists. A partial list of topics for review by the journal can be found in the Aims and Scope section. Manuscript types for submission are research papers, review papers, case reports, short communications and letters to the editor. More information about the policies of the journal can be found on the About Journal and mostly in the Publication Ethics pages. To start a new submission, please first read the Guide for Authors page for detailed information about manuscript format, style and other requirements. Manuscript submission, refereeing and publishing are completely free of charge. New manuscripts should be submitted online by the corresponding author through the website after registration. Articles published in ISeCure Journal are indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) database of Web of Science/ISI and Scopus.