A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
This template is derivated from Beamer2Thesis 2.2 theme for Beamer (English version). This template uses the UnicamTh theme which is a fork of TorinoTh theme.
This template can be used as baseline for thesis presentations.
The UNICAM logo is included.
A thesis template for use at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) following the DTU design guide at https://www.designguide.dtu.dk.
For any suggestions, problems or bug fixes, please contact latex-support@student.dtu.dk
Example for a formal template of how the thesis should be submitted to Ben-Gurion University.
This document contains all the necessary pages for submitting the thesis (including their translation in Hebrew) and chapters. Each chapter holds several examples, such as citing articles, adding images to the article and the table of contents, and more.
The document is divided into several folders, each containing one chapter. The document has one main file which connects all the chapters and the opening pages. Formal titles, which appear on several pages, can be changed at once from the main file.
Dit is een simpel verslagtemplate voor bijv een practicumverslag met Nederlandse comments bij de packages. Ook is de taal ingesteld in het Nederlands. De template gebruikt sans lettertype, die is wat professioneler dan de standaard. Succes!
A PhD thesis template for IIT Kharagpur, especially for Mechanical Engineering Department. Originally developed by IEEE during a conference at IIT Kharagpur. The template has been suitably modified for the department.