Your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume is often the first impression you’ll make on a prospective employer, and it’s important to stand out amongst the crowd. These templates provide a range of styles – classical, professional, academic, plain, fancy – which can be adapted to fit your personal preference. Sections for employment history, education, skills, experience, publications and interests can be arranged to best show off your fit for the role you’re applying for, whether you’re a graduate fresh out of university or an experienced professional looking to change career.
A single-column CV for academics. It includes conditional compilation tags for showing/hiding fields with personal information (e.g., phone number, Gmail, Skype) and professional references. Page margins are also customizable.
This is a modified version of my-latex-cv by Primož Godec. The changes include:
A Summary / Objective section
Keywords for software stack used at jobs
Thesis for educational degrees
Removed Date of Birth to include a personal website
Other Skills section replaced by the Other Projects section
Shortened the space between sections
Shortened the page margins to 1 cm
You will need XeLaTeX (pdfLaTeX will not work because of the different fonts used).
support photo 支持图片。
prepare a bilingual document with single content source but with Chinese/English language form 一行中文所写的内容,紧接着写对应的英语翻译,最后选择输出简历的语言格式。
take notes while writing your main document, you can determine whether notes are printed or not 选择输出不含笔记的一页式投递版简历或者包含笔记的完整版简历。