Community articles — Lecture Notes

Dit is een Nederlandstalige bijdrage vanwege Ludo Poelaert, UGent. In deze korte tekst wordt een inleiding tot de taal R gegeven. U mag de tekst vrij gebruiken onder het Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 . Succes ermee.

Here I derive the wave equation in a manner that allows you to look at each step individually

A concise guide for anyone that's met with the terrible fate of having to program in Clean (so mainly for Radboud University students).

In this tutorial, we are going to introduce python-igraph that is packages for network analysis. igraph provides a huge amount of facilities for those who want to do any analysis on networks, from elementary aspects to advanced ones like shortest path, community detection and clustering, network traffic analysis and so forth. In this tutorial, we are going to introduce igraph by a real-life example which is finding a route in Australian road network between two Australian cities with minimum duration.

En el presente post, haremos una breve introducción de la herramienta MATLAB. Presentaremos funciones, operaciones y gráficos con más de dos datos, para asi luego ordenar y hacer cálculos con matrices.

linear algebra using matrix

Geometría Analítica

This is written as a learning material for high school students, but since it is in LaTeX, I submitted it to the Overleaf Gallery. A guide for answering questions asking “define” or “what is meant by”, as well as some other tricky questions.

A study tool. Equations are mostly listed without a description of what they represent. Topics are detailed based on problems. Usage: To prepare for the Calculus BC exam, go through topics one at a time and mentally describe the problem, process, and equations involved. If you get stuck - look up the answer and start again from the top. When you can get through the entire sheet - you're ready! Do the same with the equation list - describing exactly what type of problems you might need the equation for. Do not use notes in conjunction with the review sheet. Look up the answer - close the book and start again! You can thank me later.
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