Templates — Technical University of Munich — LaTeX-Klassen des Lehrstuhls LDV
Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung
Last Updated
hace 5 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
All credits go to Martin Knopp
All credits go to Martin Knopp
% Possible types of documents/theses
% doctype=bachelorsthesis
% doctype=mastersthesis
% doctype=idp
% doctype=phdthesis
% doctype=studienarbeit
% doctype=diplomarbeit
% Document language
% without 'lang' attribute: English
% lang=ngerman: German (new orthography)
% Binding correction
% BCOR=<Längenangabe>
% Additional margin, which is invisible due to binding the book
% The usual binding by the Fachschaft has a thickness of 1,5 cm
% biblatex (citations)
% This requires 'biber' to be used instead of 'bibtex', please
% adapt your editor's settings accordingly!
% Look for citation sources in the database "diplomarbeit.bib"
% Bibliographic information about the thesis, please change accordingly!
\title{Titel of the thesis}
\author{Name of the autor}
\supervisor{Supervising assistant}
A summary of the research question and the important findings.
Maximum 1(!) page, contains spoilers.
% Please compile this example document including the bibliography
% database. Check the resulting document and the references for
% correct appearance (especially the German Umlaute).
% Thus you ensure that LaTeX is detecting the character encoding
% correctly and your build chain is working.
% If it does not, please tell your supervisor.
\chapter{Erstes Kapitel}
Text text text
Von \textcite[deutsch]{Niederhauser2006} und
\textcite[englisch]{Gustavii2003} gibt es gute Bücher zum Verfassen
wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten~\cite{Gustavii2003}.
% Puts out the list of references