miunthes Thesis Template for Mid Sweden University
Daniel Bosk
Last Updated
hace 5 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
The `miunthes` class with example report (from 2013).
The `miunthes` class with example report (from 2013).
% $Id$
% Author: Daniel Bosk <daniel.bosk@miun.se>
% These files may freely be used by students for their theses.
% If you make some improvements, please send a unified diff (`diff -u`) to
% the author and it might be included in future revisions.
\documentclass[a4paper,knd,final]{miunthes} % kandidat
%\documentclass[a4paper,bsc,final]{miunthes} % same as knd, B.Sc.
%\documentclass[a4paper,mag,final]{miunthes} % magister
%\documentclass[a4paper,msc,final]{miunthes} % same as magister, M.Sc.
%\documentclass[a4paper,mst,final]{miunthes} % bologna master, M.Sc.
%\documentclass[a4paper,project,final]{miunthes} % generic project report
\title{Rapportmall för tekniska rapporter}
\subtitle{En anpassning av rapportmallen för LibreOffice\\
till dokumentklassen \texttt{miunthes} för \LaTeX}
\author{Daniel Bosk}
% index etc.