GIST dissertation template
Kwangjin Yoon
Last Updated
hace 4 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Dissertation Template of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
광주과학기술원 졸업 논문 (영문) 템플렛입니다.
Dissertation Template of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
광주과학기술원 졸업 논문 (영문) 템플렛입니다.
\def\putepsf#1{\centering \parbox{14cm}{\epsfxsize = 14cm \epsfbox{#1}}}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
% yoon
\newcommand\etal{\textit{et~al.\ }}
\newcommand\eg{\textit{e.g.\ }}
\newcommand\ie{\textrm{i.e.\ }}
% yoon
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\newcommand{\qed}{\nobreak \ifvmode \relax \else
\ifdim\lastskip<1.5em \hskip-\lastskip
\hskip1.5em plus0em minus0.5em \fi \nobreak
\vrule height0.75em width0.5em depth0.25em\fi}
% Department code list
% IC - Information and Communications
% IM - Information and Mechatronics
% EC - Electric Engineering and Computer Science
% MS - Materials Science and Engineering
% ME - Mechatronics
% EN - Earth Science and Environmental Engineering
% LS - Life Science
% PH - Physics and Photon Science
% CH - Chemistry
% NA - Nanobio Materials and Electronics
% MD - Biomedical Science and Engineering
% ET - Integrated Technology 에너지 융합 학제
% CT - Integrated Technology 문화기술 융합 학제
% RT - Integrated Technology 지능로봇프로그램
% Department code
%\code{{MS/}{EC}} % 학위와 소속 코드, 초록 페이지에 나타남
% Thesis title in English
% Insert \titlebreak where lines are to be separated. Do not use the LaTeX command '\\'.
%\etitle{Study on Image Segmentation and Action Recognition in Computer Vision}
\etitle{Insert your title}
%\etitle{Study on Segmentation and Recognition for an Image Understanding}
%\etitle{Genetic Programming: \titlebreak New Optimization Tools for Real-World Applications}
% Thesis title in Korean
% Insert \titlebreak where lines are to be separated. Do not use the LaTeX command '\\'.
\ktitle{한글 제목을 넣으세요}
% Advisor's name in English without a position such as 'Prof.'.
\advisor{Professor Someone}
% Advisor's name in Korean without a position such as 'Prof.'.
% Co-advisor's name in English
% In case there is no co-advisor, comment out the following line with a "%" in the front.
%\coadvisor{My Co-advisor}
% Name of the author in English
\ename{Kwangjin Yoon}
% Name of the author in Korean seperated with '{}'.
\kname{{}{}{}{}{윤}{광}{진}} % 한글 이름 7글자까지 가능, 오른쪽 끝에 맞춰서 입력
% Student ID of the author
% The year of graduation (ex. 1999)
% The date signed by the advisor. The first is the month, second the date, and third the year.
% The date signed by the referees. The first is the month, second the date, and third the year.
% Names of the referees in English
% For Master's thesis, input the names of the three referees (refereeA thru referee C) in full.
% For Ph.D thesis, input the names of the five referees (refereeA thru referee E) in full.
% For most cases, refereeA is the same as the advisor.
\refereeA{Prof. first prof.}
\refereeB{Prof. second prof.}
\refereeC{Prof. third prof.}
\refereeD{Prof. fourth prof.}
\refereeE{Prof. fifth prof.}
% This is the beginning of the thesis.
\dedication{Dedicated to my family.}
% Abstract of the thesis in English.
% Insert the abstract between \begin{eabstract} and \end{eabstract}.
% You can either write the abstract directly here or import a file using the \input command.
% Abstract by English
\begin{spacing}{2.0} % double spacing
% Abstract of the thesis in Korean.
% Insert the abstract between \begin{kabstract} and \end{kabstract}.
% You can either write the abstract directly here or import a file using the \input command.
% Abstract by Korean
\begin{spacing}{2.0} % double spacing
% Table of contents, list of tables and list of figures.
% Use the \makecontents command to automatically generate the table of content
% In case there is no table, comment out the following line.
% In case there is no figure, comment out the following line.
% In case there is no algorithm, comment out the following line.
% Input the thesis files written in LaTeX.
% The \begin{document} command is not necessary here.
% Refererence and vitae will folllow the main thesis text.
% This is the beginning of the main thesis body.
% Insert Chapter or section or subsection as many as you need.
% Chapter 1 Introduction
\begin{spacing}{2.0} % double spacing
% you start with the chapter 1
% Chapter 2
% Add more chapters if you wants
% summary
% This is the end of the main thesis body.
% Input the list of references.
% Appendix
% You can comment out if you do not need appendix
% Acknowledgements
% Insert the text between \begin{acknowledgements} and \end{acknowledgements}.
% You can either write the abstract directly here or import a file using the \input command.
% Acknowledgements by Korean
% Input the curriculum vitae.
% You may add as many lines as you need using the syntax of the \item command shown below.
%\input Vitae2.0.tex
%\input thesis-publications.tex
% Insert activity if you have.
%Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
%Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
% Insert awards if you have.
% This is the end of the thesis.