EDV WS17/18 Abschlussbericht-Shazam Ali Shah
Shazam Ali Shah
Last Updated
hace 6 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A report example in German
A report example in German
%printing the bibliography% the first not commented line always set the documentclass
% including the necessary packages with using the package that has all the packages this report needs.
% literature
% title, author and date
\title{EDV WS17/18 Abschlussbericht}
\author{Shazam Ali Shah\\
Matrikelnummer: 3143817}
% start of the actual document
% making the title page
% roman numbering for the tables of content
% printing the
% arabic numbers for the page numbering of the pages with tasks
% Latex part of the report
% the Hobbit-chapter
% the Mathematics-chapter
% the LaTeX-Quiz-chapter
% Linux part of the report
% Python part of the report
% printing the bibliography