A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
Already includes multiple columns, titlingpage, table of contents, possibility of unnumbered sections with easy adding to TOC (no need for complex makros), layout is set for more comfortable A4 paper and includes packages for simple math equations and quotes. Czech babel to fulfiil what title says, but you can delete this one line.
New and current template for thesis (Bachelor, Seminar, Master) submissions to the chairs of Computational Social Science and Systems Analysis, Data Science: Machine Learning and Data Engineering, and Digital Innovation and the Public Sector
Plantilla sugerida para entrega de tesis, trabajos finales, proyectos de investigación y documentos académicos de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Cuenta con automatización para los datos de la tesis o trabajo final y es susceptible de usar en varios idiomas según las necesidades.
Es compatible con la fuente oficial Ancizar Sans de ser requerido, si se compila usando XeLaTeX o LuaLaTeX.
Dirección Nacional de Bibliotecas, David Gilberto Torres Vargas
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