Efficiencies and AntitrustReconsidered: An EvolutionaryPerspective
Arelis Meza
Last Updated
hace 9 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Los expositores debatirán el monopolio con relación a lo expuesto anterior-mente
Los expositores debatirán el monopolio con relación a lo expuesto anterior-mente
% Use only LaTeX2e, calling the article.cls class and 12-point type.
% Users of the {thebibliography} environment or BibTeX should use the
% scicite.sty package, downloadable from *Science* at
% www.sciencemag.org/about/authors/prep/TeX_help/ .
% This package should properly format in-text
% reference calls and reference-list numbers.
% Use times if you have the font installed; otherwise, comment out the
% following line.
% The preamble here sets up a lot of new/revised commands and
% environments. It's annoying, but please do *not* try to strip these
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% The following parameters seem to provide a reasonable page setup.
\topmargin 0.0cm
\oddsidemargin 0.2cm
\textwidth 16cm
\textheight 21cm
\footskip 1.0cm
%The next command sets up an environment for the abstract to your paper.
\begin{quote} \bf}
% If your reference list includes text notes as well as references,
% include the following line; otherwise, comment it out.
\renewcommand\refname{References and Notes}
% The following lines set up an environment for the last note in the
% reference list, which commonly includes acknowledgments of funding,
% help, etc. It's intended for users of BibTeX or the {thebibliography}
% environment. Users who are hand-coding their references at the end
% using a list environment such as {enumerate} can simply add another
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% Include your paper's title here
\title{Market Structure and Market Performance}
% Place the author information here. Please hand-code the contact
% information and notecalls; do *not* use \footnote commands. Let the
% author contact information appear immediately below the author names
% as shown. We would also prefer that you don't change the type-size
% settings shown here.
\author{Arelis Meza- Andrea Recalde\\
\normalsize{Escuela Politécnica Nacional}\\
\normalsize{S. Martin
Department of Economics, Krannert School of Management}\
\normalsize{Purdue University, Room 4027 Rawls Hall}\\
\normalsize{West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076, USA}\\
\normalsize{ e-mail: smartin@purdue.edu}
% Include the date command, but leave its argument blank.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Double-space the manuscript.
% Make the title.
% Place your abstract within the special {sciabstract} environment.
I. Debate
Los expositores debatirán la competitividad con relación a lo expuesto anteriormente
% In setting up this template for *Science* papers, we've used both
% the \section* command and the \paragraph* command for topical
% divisions. Which you use will of course depend on the type of paper
% you're writing. Review Articles tend to have displayed headings, for
% which \section* is more appropriate; Research Articles, when they have
% formal topical divisions at all, tend to signal them with bold text
% that runs into the paragraph, for which \paragraph* is the right
% choice. Either way, use the asterisk (*) modifier, as shown, to
% suppress numbering.
\section*{Las preguntas a continuación serán realizadas por la moduladora: }
Cintya Lanchimba
Ph.D. in Economics, Mathematics Department, National Polytechnic School, Ecuador
University of Lyon, France
\section*{II. Preguntas }
¿Considera usted que las fusiones empresariales mejoran la competitividad de las empresas?
¿El menú entre competidores de comida rápida garantiza su ventaja competitiva?
¿Entre más franquicias existe un mayor control de mercado?
\section*{III. Fin del debate, a continuación intervención del público presente}
\section*{IV. Argumentos a Favor Arelis Meza}
Las fusiones empresariales son necesarias para el desarrollo de las actividades y expansión del mercado.
Las empresas deben renovar sus productos, tecnología, considerando la variabilidad y adaptación del consumidor.
Entre más franquicias, existe mayor control del mercado y brechas hacia la competencia de las mismas.
\section*{V. Argumentos en contra Andrea Recalde}
Las fusiones no siempre son necesarias puesto que te limitan el mercado. Y por otro lado estas fusiones se pueden convertir en monopolios y oligopolios.
Los cambios en los productos no te generan mayores ventajas comparativas puesto que depende mucho de las preferencias de un consumidor.
Las franquicias no te dan una mayor control del mercado sino más bien hacen que las ganancias se fraccionen más.
% Your references go at the end of the main text, and before the
% figures. For this document we've used BibTeX, the .bib file
% scibib.bib, and the .bst file Science.bst. The package scicite.sty
% was included to format the reference numbers according to *Science*
% style.
% Following is a new environment, {scilastnote}, that's defined in the
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% instructions.