\documentclass[11pt]{report} % This is in order to have the chapter feature and page numbers in the same location on even and odd pages.
% Acceptable font sizes are 10 to 12 pts
\usepackage[papersize={8.5 in, 11 in}, nohead, includeheadfoot, left=1.5 in, right = 1 in, vmargin= 1 in]{geometry}
% The options above are to set the paper size (as per page 11 of the guidelines and the margins. Includefoot is to make sure that nothing
% gets printed on the margins. The statutory margins are set on page 5.
\usepackage[doublespacing]{setspace} % Needed to set double-spacing for the main document, but needs more adhoc commands to
% use single spacing for tables, etc.
% For the signature boxes and much better looking tables
\usepackage{array} % Also for better arrays (eg matrices) in maths
% Commands to format the Table of Contents, List of Tables and List of Illustrations, as per the Wharton Template
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % Only show chapters and sections in ToC
% Change names and format of tables
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
\renewcommand{\cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-21 pt} % The key value here is the -21 pts, I got to it by old fashioned measuring with a ruler....
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}
\renewcommand{\cftbeforelottitleskip}{-21 pt} % The key value here is the -21 pts, I got to it by old fashioned measuring with a ruler....
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS}
\renewcommand{\cftbeforeloftitleskip}{-21 pt} % The key value here is the -21 pts, I got to it by old fashioned measuring with a ruler....
% Format chapters (dots, including the word chapter, etc.)
\renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{CHAPTER }
\renewcommand{\cftchapaftersnum}{ :}
\newlength{\mylen} % a "scratch" length
\settowidth{\mylen}{\cftchappresnum \cftchapaftersnum} % extra space
\addtolength{\cftchapnumwidth}{\mylen} % add the extra space
% Format tables in LoT
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{TABLE }
\renewcommand{\cfttabaftersnum}{ :}
\newlength{\mylent} % a "scratch" length
\settowidth{\mylent}{\cfttabpresnum} % extra space
\addtolength{\cfttabnumwidth}{\mylent} % add the extra space
% Format Illusstrations in LoF
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{FIGURE }
\renewcommand{\cftfigaftersnum}{ :}
\newlength{\mylenf} % a "scratch" length
\settowidth{\mylenf}{\cftfigpresnum} % extra space
\addtolength{\cftfignumwidth}{\mylenf} % add the extra space
% Commands (more further down, at preliminary, main and appendix) to change the formatting of chapter headings
\renewcommand{\beforetitleunit}{0 pt}
\titleformat{\section}[hang]{\large}{\thesection.}{6 pt}{}
\titleformat{\subsection}[hang]{\normalsize\itshape}{\thesubsection.}{6 pt}{}
\usepackage{parskip} % To allow for better management of the Dutch paragraph style
\usepackage{url} % To allow for better typing of the url in the Creative Commons part of the copyright
\usepackage{natbib} % allows the author-date citation system
\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,} % options for natbib to yield the citation style I like
% Other packages that are not needed for the template, but I highly recommend (and all of your own packages go here to)
% Add them one by one to make sure they do not interfere, for instance the package subfigure clashes with this template
\usepackage{paralist} % very flexible & customizable lists (eg. enumerate/itemize, etc.)
\usepackage{subfiles} % To be better able to manage large projects by compiling the separate files included in the final document
% Making tables and figures numbered continuously
\def\sym#1{\ifmmode^{#1}\else\(^{#1}\)\fi} % Defining stars for significance tables
% Defining variables to be used throughout the document for personalization
\def\mytitle{DISSERTATION TITLE} % Make sure this is in all caps
\def\myauthor{Author Name}
\def\myauthorfull{Author Full Legal Name}
\def\mysupervisorname{Supervisor Name}
\def\mysupervisortitle{Supervisor Title}
\newlength{\superlen} % a "scratch" length
\settowidth{\superlen}{\mysupervisorname, \mysupervisortitle} % Width of signature line for supervisor
\def\gradchairname{Graduate Chair Name}
\def\gradchairtitle{Graduate Chair Title}
\newlength{\chairlen} % a "scratch" length
\settowidth{\chairlen}{\gradchairname, \gradchairtitle} % Width of signature line for supervisor
\def\signatures{46 pt} % Space to accommodate the signatures, you can fiddle with this as you like
\thispagestyle{empty} % No page numbers on title page, as per Manual page 8
For the Graduate Group in Managerial Science and Applied Economics
Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
\vfill % Here to make sure the page is filled
Supervisor of Dissertation\\[\signatures] % Space for signature, you can fiddle with this as you like
\renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{0 pt}
\mysupervisorname, \mysupervisortitle\\ %Space between advisor and graduate chair, you can fiddle with this as you like
Graduate Group Chairperson\\[\signatures] % Space for signature, you can fiddle with this as you likee
\gradchairname, \gradchairtitle\\ %Space between advisor and graduate chair, you can fiddle with this as you like
Dissertation Committee % No signature necessary
First Member, Title
Second Member, Title
Third Member, Title
\thispagestyle{empty} % No page number as per Manual, p. 11
\copyright \space COPYRIGHT
\myauthorfull\\[24 pt] % If traditional copyright then delete everything below here, but keep \end{flushleft}
This work is licensed under the \\
Creative Commons Attribution \\
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 \\
To view a copy of this license, visit
% Changing formatting for preliminary pages (NOT OPTIONAL)
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\large\center}{\thechapter}{0 pt}{}
\titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{-33 pt}{6 pt} % The key value here is the -33 pts, I got to it by old fashioned measuring with a ruler....
\textit{Dedicated to (optional)}
\chapter*{ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (optional)}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{ACKNOWLEDGEMENT} % This is to include this section in the Table of Contents
I would like to thank \ldots
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{ABSTRACT} % This is to include this section in the Table of Contents
No more than 350 words. It is normally a single paragraph, consists of four parts: the statement of the problem; the procedure and methods used to investigate the problem; the results of the investigation; and the conclusions. The abstract is published online by ProQuest in ``Dissertation Abstracts International'', providing information to interested readers about the general content of the dissertation.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF TABLES}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS}
\chapter*{PREFACE (optional)}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{PREFACE} % This is to include this section in the Table of Contents
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\large\center}{CHAPTER \thechapter}{0 pt}{ : }
\titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{-29 pt}{6 pt} % The key value here is the -29 pts, I got to it by old fashioned measuring with a ruler....
\pagestyle{plain} % This has to be repeated here because the lists change the style
% Dutch style of paragraph formatting, i.e. no indents.
\setlength{\parskip}{10 pt} % Same as Word file
% \subfile{Introduction} This is where I would call the different chapters
% \subfile{Chapter 2} etc.
% Changing formatting for appendices
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\large\center}{APPENDIX}{0 pt}{} % Old {APPENDIX \thechapter}{0 pt}{ : }
\titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{-33 pt}{6 pt} % The key value here is the -33 pts, I got to it by old fashioned measuring with a ruler....
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{-1}} % This is to fix how appendices are shown in ToC
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}} % This is to bring things back to normal
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{APPENDIX} % You have to write here everything you want the ToC to show including \thechapter if you want numbering
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{-1}} % This is so sections in the appendix are not shown in the ToC
% \subfile{Appendix}
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}} % This is to bring things back to normal
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\large\center}{\thechapter}{0 pt}{}
\titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{-25 pt}{6 pt} % The key value here is the -25 pts, I got to it by old fashioned measuring with a ruler....
\bibliography{Filename} % This is the filename of the bibtex bibliography file (it has to be in the same directory as the main LaTeX file)
%% INDEX (OPTIONAL) - I do not really know how to code this, sorry