University of Basrah Template Thesis
Mohanad AL-Behadili
Last Updated
hace 5 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template Thesis for the University of Basrah
Template Thesis for the University of Basrah
% Mohanad Al-Behadili, May 2018
\documentclass[a4paper,14pt, oneside]{extreport}
%%% <Harvard Style>
% \usepackage{amsmath}
% \usepackage{csquotes}
% \usepackage[style=authoryear,sorting=ynt]{biblatex}
% \addbibresource{bibliography.bib}
% \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
%%% </Harvard Style>
\title{Your Thesis Title}
\research{Thesis (Dissertation)} % Thesis | Dissertation
\degree{Master of Science (PhD.) }
\majorfield{Research Area}
\author{Your Name}
\college{College Name}
%\previousdegree{BSc. Department Name}
\currentdegree{MSc. Major Field}
\supervisor{Supervisor Name 1 \\ Supervisor Name 2}
\sueaddress{Basrah, Iraq}
\submitdate{May 2019}
% delete the two declaration sentences in thesis.sty if not applicable.
% body of thesis comes here
%% <Harvard Style>
% \printbibliography
%% </Harvard Style>
% appendices come here