UniPd modern thesis template
Francesco Pio Barone
Last Updated
hace 3 meses
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A thesis template for University of Padua students. Suggested for MSc/PhD thesis, but might as well be used for BSc.
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\PassOptionsToPackage{table}{xcolor} % to use colors in tables
\documentclass{unipd-thesis-modern} % src: https://github.com/baronefr/unipd-thesis-modern
% print layout: two-sided with binding on the left
% I recommend to validate/convert the PDF/A file with the following tool:
% https://www.pdfforge.org/online/en/validate-pdfa
% additional packages
\usepackage{lipsum} % for DEMO only
%% (optional) to add a draft watermark, uncomment the following:
% NOTE: high values -> less visible
% ToC customization
\usepackage[titles]{tocloft} % to modify spacing in toc chapters
\setcounter{tocdepth}{4} % ToC depth
% titles
\title{A modern template for a thesis\\at University of Padua}
\thesisHeader{University of Padua, Department of Physics and Astronomy ``G. Galilei''\\Master Thesis in Physics}
% student
\author{Student Name Surname}
% supervisor(s)Zürich
\advisor{Prof. Erwin Schrödinger}{University of Zürich} % (mandatory)
\coadvisor{Dr. Batman Wayne}{University of Princeton} % (optional, comment to remove)
\otheradvisor{Prof. Paolino Paperino}{University of Padua} % (optional, comment to remove)
% ^ NOTE: you can use optional arg to customize the label "Internal Supervisor"
% example: \otheradvisor[The best supervisor!]{Prof. Paolino Paperino}{University of Padua}
% add notes at the bottom of the second page (optional)
% dedication (comment to remove)
\dedication{\textit{To my parents\\and friends}}
% custom symbols (optional)
% bibliography file
%% SUGGESTION: to print only the cover page with larger fonts and without watermark, uncomment the following:
% \makecover
% cover, ToC, abstract
% main content
% introduction -------------
\glsresetall % reset gls after introduction (suggested, but optional)
% --------------------------
\part{\label{prt:demo}Demo of the template features} % NOTE: dividing in parts is optional
% NOTE: I suggest to create a file for each chapter, like the previous \input{}.
% --------------------------
\part{\label{prt:filler}Filler part}
% conclusion ---------------
% appendices ---------------
% glossary, bibliography, acknowledges