UCL MSc Economics Thesis Template
Elliott Christensen
Last Updated
hace un año
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a LaTeX template for the purposes of writing a MSc Economics Dissertation at University College London (UCL).
This is a LaTeX template for the purposes of writing a MSc Economics Dissertation at University College London (UCL).
% (c) Elliott Christensen, 2023
% This is a template for a MSc Thesis document based upon a template uploaded by Sofia Feist, 2020.
% ------------------ DOCUMENT SETUP ------------------
% The document class defines the document type (article) and sets the font size (12pt)
% Your name
\author{the author}
% Inputs the Document Packages
% Controls how many subsections the document can take
% and how many of those will get put into the contents pages.
% \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}
% Line Spacing
% The folder path where the images will be uploaded
\graphicspath{ {./Image/} }
% Places a dot after Chapter/Section/Subsection number in Table of Contents
% \renewcommand{\cftchapaftersnum}{.}
% Customize Dot spacing in Table of Contents/List of Figures/Tables
% Numeration Type for Chapters and Sections (Roman I, II, II / Arabic 1, 2, 3)
% \renewcommand\thechapter{\Roman{chapter}}
% Line Break Properties
% Formatting Table of Contents/Lists titles
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\normalfont\bfseries\LARGE{LIST OF FIGURES}}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\normalfont\bfseries\LARGE{LIST OF TABLES}}
% Title Formatting customization
\titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt} {0pt} {0pt} % left, before, after
\titlespacing*{\section} {0pt} {0pt} {0pt}
\titlespacing*{\subsection} {0pt} {10pt} {10pt}
\titlespacing*{\subsubsection} {0pt} {10pt} {10pt}
\pagestyle{fancy} % Set Page Style (Header and Footer Style)
\fancyhf{} % Clears the header and footer (from the default info)
% Add a horizontal line by removing the % sign before the renewcommand (or vice versa):
% Header
\fancyhead[L]{\textit{Student Name}}
\fancyhead[C]{\textit{MSc Economics}}
\fancyhead[R]{\textit{September 2023}}
% Footer
\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} % Page Number
% Change figure numbering per section
% -------------------------------------------------
% --------- The document starts from here ---------
% -------------------------------------------------
% ------------------ TITLE PAGE -------------------
% Choose colour from the Image Folder: More can be found here: https://imagestore.ucl.ac.uk/imagestore/start/ucl-banners/For%20PRINT/UNCOATED/DL%20PORTRAIT?fc=browse&column=5
\vfill % Elastic empty space filler
% Title
% Subtitle
% Author
{\LARGE\textbf{Author Name\\}}
% Date
{\Large\textbf{September 2023}}
Dissertation Supervisor: Insert Name\\
Dissertation submitted in part fulfilment of the\\
Degree of Master of Science in Economics\\
Department of Economics\\
University College London\\}
% ------------------- Declaration ---------------------
% ------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------
% ------------------- LIST OF FIGURES --------------------
%{\let\oldnumberline\numberline % Uncomment to add the word 'Figure' to figure number in List of Figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures} % Add List of figures into contents without any numeration
% ------------------- LIST OF TABLES ---------------------
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables} % Add List of tables into contents without any numeration
% ----------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -------------------
% ---------------------- ABSTRACT -----------------------
\section*{Abstract} % the Asterix (*) indicates that this section will be added to the table of contents but no number will be present beside it.
\textbf{Keywords:} Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics
% ------------------ section START --------------------
% ------------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------------
\include{Introduction} % Section/Chapter entries can be done in the Main.tex file or in a
% separate tex file for longer and more complex documents
% --------------- REST OF THE DOCUMENT -----------------
\section{New Section}
\subsection{New Subsection}
\subsubsection{New Subsubsection}
\section{New Section}
\subsection{Future Work}
% ------------------- BIBLIOGRAPHY ---------------------
% \printbibliography[title = {References}]
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} % Adds References Section to Table of Contents
% -------------------------------------------------
% --------- The document ends from here -----------
% -------------------------------------------------