UC Davis Beamer Temp
Sydney Y Wood
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hace 5 años
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Just an easy UC Davis Beamer template

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Just an easy UC Davis Beamer template
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Packages
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% - nosectionpages: no pages between sections
% - flama: use flama font, requires xelatex/lualatex + the font to compile
% - compressminiframes: put the heading list bullets indications pages on 1 line
% Title page
\title{Positive Feedback Loops \newline in Police Decisions \newline to Stop }
\foottitle{Police Decisions to Stop} % optional, printed at the bottom of the slides, by default same as title, can be useful to rewrite when title has a newline for example
\subtitle{An Agent-Based Model} % optional subtitle
\author{Sydney Wood, MA \& Jeff Schank, PhD}
\institute{UC Davis Graduate Psychology Conference} % Optional
% Biblatex
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}
\section{Background} \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Racial Profiling}
\begin{block}{Ratchet Effect}
\item Definition: the target population is surveilled at a level that is disproportionate to the distribution of offending by that group
\begin{alertblock}{Lack of Data}
\item Very few laws requiring recording data \nocite{harcourt2004rethinking, ACLU} \textit{(ACLU, 2015; Harcourt, 2004)}
\item Demographics not recorded
\item Only "Hits"
\item Positive Feedback loop in info sharing within departments
\item Tests the theoretical mechanisms underlying police decision to stop
\item Categorical Stop - BOLO
\item Individualized Stops - no predetermined criteria
\item Demonstrate how information sharing across police
\item Leads to emergence of ratchet effect
\item Allows individual bias to invade system
\section{Model} \subsection{}
\includegraphics[width = \textwidth, height = 7.4 cm]{flowchart/updated.png}
\item Population composition
\item \# Police Bias toward red
\section{Results \& Discussion} \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Equal Population Composition Density Changes}
\vspace{-.1 cm}
\includegraphics[width= \textwidth, height = 7cm]{vector-business-graph-vector-stock_gg59736914.jpg}
\section{References} \subsection{}