UC Berkeley Report Template v1.0 Overleaf
Chris Hoofnagle
Last Updated
hace 3 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A LaTeX template modeled on University of California, Berkeley's (2021) for white papers and reports.
A LaTeX template modeled on University of California, Berkeley's (2021) for white papers and reports.
% This template was created by Chris Hoofnagle for
% the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. If you
% work for UCB, you are welcome to use it.
% This is a "report" document class, which means that it has chapters
% and formatting like a book, but fundamentally is a design for
% one-sided printing. There are many options to change the underlying
% design---you can change the font, paper size, etc with these
% options below. Just put the options in the braces of
% \documentclass
% Documentclass: Report Options: a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, letterpaper, legalpaper, landscape, 11pt, 12pt, twoside, twocolumn, notitlepage, openright, draft, fleqn, leqno, openbib
\usepackage{lipsum} % generates lorem ipsum filler text
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % the hidelinks option prevents those terrible boxes from appearing in your print pdf
% Berkeley Colors - Global (changing these will alter the whole
% document)
% Deep blue and gold
% Light blue and gold
% Headings
% If you'd like, you can put the title of the report in the header
% Just erase title of report if not
\small\fancyhead[R] {\color{founderblue}Title of Report ~ \thepage}
% This adds the line below the header. You can make it thicker or thinner by editing the 0.4 value
% This template only uses a header because a document with footnotes
% looks strange with a footer. But if you want a footer, just
% uncomment the lines below
%\small\fancyfoot[R] {\color{founderblue}Title of Report ~ \thepage}
% Customizing Fonts & Title Formats - Global
% This section specifies the fonts and their sizes and
% colors for the headings. Notice that the package gives
% you serif headings and san serif body text.
% The headings are Berkeley's Old Style Fonts!
% I don't like the new fonts, which are licensed from
% Adobe --- why would you do that?
BoldFont = UCBerkeleyOSBold.otf,
ItalicFont = UCBerkeleyOSItalic.otf,
BoldItalicFont = UCBerkeleyOSBoldItalic.otf]
% This controls the chapter headings
% This controls the section and subsection headings in the chapters
% Notice that the headings in the chapter are numbered, e.g.
% 1.1 A Lesson in Latin. If you don't want section numbering,
% remove \thesection and/or \thesubsection
\titleformat{\section}{\Large\headingfont}{}{0pt}{\color{founderblue}{\thesection} \ }[{\titlerule[0.8pt]}]
\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\headingfont}{}{0pt}{\color{founderblue}{\thesubsection} \ }[{\titlerule[0.8pt]}]
% This customizes the sections in the executive summary so that they
% will not be numbered.
{\Large\headingfont}{}{-4pt}{\color{founderblue} \ }[{\titlerule[0.8pt]}]
{\large\headingfont}{}{-4pt}{\color{founderblue} \ }[{\titlerule[0.8pt]}]
% Sidebar Environment: mdframed
\mdfdefinestyle{custom}{frametitle={\colorbox{berkeleygold}{\space You must specify a title for your box \space}},
% \mdfsetup{%
% % Replace berkeleygold with white if you'd like
% frametitle={\colorbox{berkeleygold}{\space#1\space}},
% frametitlefont=\textbf,
% backgroundcolor=founderblue!20,
% linecolor=founderblue!70,
% innertopmargin=10pt,
% frametitleaboveskip=-\ht\strutbox,
% % frametitlealignment=\left,
% skipabove=\topskip,
% skipbelow=\topskip
% }%
% \begin{mdframed}%
% }
% {\end{mdframed}}
% Sidebars with tcolorbox -- Mybox
\newtcolorbox{mybox}[2][]{enhanced, interior hidden,
coltitle=black, fonttitle=\bfseries\headingfont\large,
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-2.5mm},
boxed title style={empty, size=small, top=1mm, bottom=2pt},
%boxed title=0.5\linewidth,
frame code={
\path (title.east|-frame.north) coordinate (aux);
\path[draw=founderblue, fill=founderblue!20, line width=0.5mm, rounded corners]
(frame.west) |- ([xshift=-2.5mm]title.north east) to[out=0, in=180] ([xshift=7.5mm]aux)-|(frame.east)|-(frame.south)-|cycle;
% General Guidance
%The \flushbottom declaration makes all text pages the same height, adding extra vertical space when necessary to fill out the page.
%The \onecolumn declaration starts a new page and produces single-column output.
%The \raggedbottom declaration makes all pages the height of the text on that page. No extra vertical space is added.
%The \twocolumn declaration starts a new page and produces two-column output.
% Document Content Starts Here
\title{Put title here, and in the title.tex file}
% The title page appearance is controlled by a separate file named titlepage.tex
% This makes the report have a white background
% Just comment out the next lines if you
% do not want a table of contents
% This adds the Executive Summary to the TOC w/o a number
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Executive Summary}
% Note: to have a conclusion in the TOC without a number
% the addcontentsline command appears after \include conclusion
% below
% The content of the report is in subfiles that are
% imported below with the include command
% You can create more "chapters" by copying the chapter.tex
% files and using \include{chapterX} to include them in
% the report
% This adds the conclusion to the TOC without a number
% It is possible to add a bibliography here
% This code creates decorative `colorboxes' for text
% illustrations and the like. Just uncomment it and place
% it in a chapter
% \begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,title={An example colorbox},
% colback=founderblue!5!white,
% colframe=founderblue!75!black,
% fonttitle=\headingfont\bfseries\large]
% Your text goes here.
% \tcbsubtitle[before skip=\baselineskip]%
% {You can also have subboxes}
% with extra content
% \tcbsubtitle[before skip=\baselineskip]%
% {Multiple rows}
% If you like it.
% \end{tcolorbox}
% This code creates a decorative text box.
% Just uncomment it and place
% it in a chapter
% \begin{mybox}{Hello World!}
% This is the mybox environment.
% However, the problem with mybox is that they cannot break across pages :( So, they have to be pretty short. Otherwise use the colorbox
% \end{mybox}