Two-columns minimal poster (BCMSLab)
Mahmoud Ahmed
Last Updated
hace 6 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A two-columns minimal poster from the BCMSLab with the Gyeongsang National University logo.
A two-columns minimal poster from the BCMSLab with the Gyeongsang National University logo.
% Latex template:
\documentclass[portrait]{a0poster} % Document class and orientation
\setlength{\paperwidth}{90cm} % Poster width in cm
\setlength{\paperheight}{140cm} % Poster height in cm
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % Set poster margins in inches
\usepackage{multicol} % Use multiple columns
\columnsep=100pt % Set space between columns in points
\columnseprule=3pt % Set width of line between columns in points
\usepackage{graphicx} % For adding images
\usepackage{float} % For using float environments
\usepackage{booktabs} % For table rules
\usepackage{times} % For times font
\usepackage{lipsum} % For generating random text
\usepackage[url=false,doi=false,giveninits=true,isbn=false]{biblatex} % Use biblatex
\addbibresource{references.bib} % Add .bib file
% Title Mini-page
% Title Area
% Add title here
\Huge\textbf{Title for a two-columns minimal poster}\\
% Add authors here
% Link to different affiliations, if there are, using in-line math mode
\par\huge Author One $^1$, Author Two$^2$ and Author Three$^2$\\
% Add affiliations here
\large $^1$Affiliation for author one; $^2$ affiliation for author two and three\\
% Add university logo here
% Main Text
% Summary Section
% This section is divided into four standard subsections Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Either can be written as a subsection (e.g. \subsection{Background}) or just as bold-face regular text (e.g. \textbf{Background}) to have all in one paragraph. Figs or Tabs can be referenced using \ref{<figure-label>}. References can be cited using \cite{<citation-id>}
\lipsum[1] \cite{Ahmed2018a}
\lipsum[1] (Figure \ref{fig:figure1})
% Figures and Tables Section
% A regular float (figure or table) environment can be used given that the floating option '[H]' is used.
\section*{Figures \& Tables}
% Input tables
% Include figures
\caption{Caption for figure one.}
\caption{Caption for figure Two.}
% Reference section