% A simple Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Masters Thesis proposal template
% 2017-12-14 v. 1.0.0
% Copyright 2010-2017 by Shyam Krishna Khadka
% This template is inspired from Jesper Kjær Nielsen <jkn@es.aau.dk> AAU template which can be seen in some of the files.
\input{setup/preamble.tex}% package inclusion and set up of the document
\input{setup/macros.tex}% my new macros
\pagestyle{empty} %disable headers and footers
% Before it was only /cleardoublepage, causing blank page between two
\pagenumbering{roman} %use roman page numbering in the table of contents section (frontmatter)
\pagestyle{fancy} %enable headers and footers again
% Add these sections if needed
\pagenumbering{arabic} %use arabic page numbering in the mainmatter
% Rename title "Bibliography" to "References"