Synopsis Template University of Hyderabad
Ajit Kumar Sahoo and Siba Kumar Udgata
Last Updated
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Synopsis template University of Hyderabad
Synopsis template University of Hyderabad
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{\textbf{\textit{Synopsis of}\\}}
{\Large\bf{Thesis title Thesis title Thesis title Thesis title} \\}
{\textbf{\textit {A thesis to be submitted by\\}}}
% \vspace{0.3 in}
% {\bf\textit{to be submitted by}}
{\large \bf Name \\
Reg. No. XXXXXXX\\}
\vspace{0.3 in}
{\bf\textit{for the award of the degree of}}
\vspace{0.3 in}
% {\bf\textit{of}}
% \vspace{0.3in}
{\Large{\bf Doctor of Philosophy \\ in \\Computer Science}\\}
{\bf\textit{Under the supervision of\\ }}
{\Large{\bf Prof. Name}\\}
{\large\bf School of Computer and Information Sciences\\}
{\large\bf University of Hyderabad \\}
{\large\bf Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500 046, India \\}
{\large\bf 2022 }
% A promising approach is the measurement of ultrasonic velocity
\section{Research Objectives}
This research investigates......
\item objective 1
\item objective 2
\item objective 3
\item objective 4
\item objective 5
\section{Summary and Contributions}
In this thesis, we propose methods .................. A brief description of the contributions of this thesis is given below:
\item summary of contribution1
\item summary of contribution2
\item summary of contribution3
\item summary of contribution4
\section{Contents of the Thesis}
The thesis consists of seven chapters, and the organization of the thesis is as follows:
\item \textbf{Chapter 1 - Introduction} introduces .....
\item \textbf{Chapter 2 - Background and literature survey} presents ......
%\item \textbf{Chapter 3 - literature Survey}
\item \textbf{Chapter 3 - title} proposes...
\item \textbf{Chapter 4 - title} proposes ......
\item \textbf{Chapter 5 - title} provides.....
\item \textbf{Chapter 6 - title} presents .....
\item \textbf{Chapter 7 - Conclusion and future scope} summarizes .....
\item publication 1
\item publication 2
\item publication 3
\item publication 4
\item publication 5