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% Pakete izveido apzīmējumu sarakstu
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of abbreviations}
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%% Table of contents formatting
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%%%--------- Titullapa ----------
\includegraphics[width = 0.5\textwidth]{LU logo_graf_ENG_vert.pdf}\\ %ja ieliekat attēlu kādā mapē, tad jāsauc attēls no šīs mapes, citādi neparādīsies tas titullapā
{\large\MakeUppercase{Faculty of Science and Technology}\\
\LARGE{\textbf{Name Surname}}\\
\LARGE\MakeUppercase{{\textbf{Title of the Thesis}}}\\
\normalsize{Summary of the Doctoral Thesis}\\
\normalsize{Submitted for the degree of Doctor of xx}\\
\normalsize{Subfield of xx}
\normalsize{Riga, 20xx}\\
%%%--------- Second page ----------
\noindent The Doctoral Thesis was developed at the [Name of Laboratory and/or Institute], the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, the University of Latvia from 20xx to 20xx.\\
\noindent The Thesis contains an introduction, x chapters, a summary, key results and conclusions, a bibliography, supplemental information, and acknowledgments.\\
\noindent Form of the Thesis: a dissertation / a collection of articles/research papers in Physics and Astronomy, subfield of xx.\\
\noindent Scientific supervisor: \textit{Dr. Phys.} \textbf{Name Surname}, degree, scientific title, institution, and country.\\
\noindent Reviewers:
\item \textbf{Name Surname}, degree, scientific title, institution, and country (from UL/ Latvia)
\item \textbf{Name Surname}, degree, scientific title, institution, and country (from Latvia/ abroad)
\item \textbf{Name Surname}, degree, scientific title, institution, and country (from abroad)
\noindent Defense of the Doctoral Thesis will take place at a public session of the Doctoral Committee of Physics, Astronomy and Mechanics of the University of Latvia on xx Month, 20xx at xx (date and time) at UL House of Science in Jelgava Street 3, Riga.\\
\noindent The Doctoral Thesis and its Summary are available at the Library of the University of Latvia, Kalpaka Blvd 4, Riga.
\noindent Chairman of the Doctoral Committee: \textbf{Name Surname}\\
\noindent Secretary of the Doctoral Committee: \textbf{Name Surname}
%%%--------- Abstract ----------
Briefly describe the essence of the research problem, goals, and tasks, and explain the key results and findings. You may mention the number of peer-reviewed articles and conference abstracts the results have been published in. The abstract should be one page at maximum. The abstract should be the same as the one submitted to the Library.
\textbf{Keywords}: Here you may mention keywords. Keywords describe the topic of the work, the key results and methods.
%%%--------- Table of contents ----------
%%%--------- List of abbreviations ----------
\chapter*{\MakeUppercase{\textbf{List of abbreviations}}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{List of abbreviations}}
All commonly used abbreviations throughout the Summary should be listed here. Although not mandatory, you may use alphabetical order.
\include{lietošanas pamācība}