% Formato proyecto de tesis Magíster/Doctorado DI-UTFSM
% Daniel San Martín
% Modificar según corresponda ;)
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\lfoot{\bfseries \textbf{Progress report}}
% Hyperref %
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\LARGE{\bfseries \underline{Progress report}}
% Title page %
\begin{tabu} to \textwidth {|[1.7pt]X|X|[1.7pt]}
\textbf{Project name:}
& \textcolor{red}{\textit{project name}} \\\hline
\textbf{Industrial partner:} & \textcolor{red}{\textit{industrial partner}} \\\hline
\textbf{Academic Partner:} & \textcolor{red}{\textit{academic Partner:}} \\\hline
\textbf{Project reference:} & \textcolor{red}{\textit{project reference}}\\\hline
\textbf{Reporting Period: } & Report No. \textcolor{red}{\textit{XXX}} for the period \newline \textcolor{red}{\textit{XXX}} to \textcolor{red}{\textit{XXX}} \\\hline
% I. Problem Formulation %
% II. Hypothesis %
% A. Appendix %
\input{sections/appendix} \clearpage
% VII. References %
% Reference's style