overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Author: Joe Carrión Jumbo Marzo/2019, actualizado Junio 2021. Plantilla básica para informes de tarea, incluye resumen, índices (contenido, tablas, figuras), uso de Tablas, Figuras, Referencias, Literales, Enumerados, Bibliografía, Negrilla, Cursiva, Formato con Cabecera, Pie de Página.

Plantilla publicada en la página de la revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

A simple template to help Keele University Computer Science students write their 3rd Year project in LaTeX.

Dissertation Template of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) 광주과학기술원 졸업 논문 (영문) 템플렛입니다.

Zvanični template za završni rad prvog ciklusa (bachelor) na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Official template for final papers of the first cycle of study (bachelor) at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo.

Zvanični template za završne radove drugog ciklusa )master) na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu

A minimalist and modern-ish Beamer theme. Blog post regarding how this was written can be found here: https://blog.hamaluik.ca/posts/better-beamer-themes/

This is an unofficial general-purpose template for articles in Nature Reviews Physics based on the information about the journal and the guide to authors available at: https://www.nature.com/natrevphys/

Template (v.2.2) for theses at Faculty of Science (Masaryk University). This template agrees with faculty rules, see https://www.sci.muni.cz/student/bc-a-mgr/pokyny-a-sablony-pro-bakalarske-diplomove-a-rigorozni-prace Read also the attached file "Pruvodce sablonou"
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