%% -*- mode: latex; coding: utf-8; -*-
%% conf2025.tex 2025/03/27
%% This is the template file for Proceedings
%% of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
%% "Innovative Digital Methods in Education and Research"
%% held in Berehovo, on Mart 27-28 2025
%% Conference website
%% https://
% However, remember that paper should be submitted in
% English, Hungarian or Ukrainian only.
\AddToHook{begindocument}[test]{\catcode\string``=12 }
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%showframe,% show how the type block is set on the page
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% For example,
\title{Title of the abstract}
\author{Katalin \surname{Kuchinka}}
\address{Department of Mathematics and Informatics\\
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Berehove,
% Provide information for other authors (as many as you need)
\author{Ben \surname{Writer}}
\address{Department of Computer Science\\
Another University, City,
\thanks{This research was partially supported by\ldots}
Do not read this text please.
This is only an example.
% Displayed and inline equations
So, we have a numbered equation
\sum_{n = 0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!} = e^x
and an inline equation
\( e^{x + y} = e^x e^y \).
% This is an example of the lemma
Let \( x \) be a real number, i.e., \( x \in \mathbb{R} \).
Then we have\ldots
From Lemma~\ref{lem:some.label.anna} it follows that\ldots
% This is an example of the theorem
What a wonderful theorem!
The proof is based on the sieve method,
see details in the book~\cite{Reader:2019:FFD:e}.
One can find the proof of the Riemann conjecture in~\cite{Author:2024:SRR:e}.
You may include figures and tables in your paper.
% Figure
% Put the picture environment here
\put(70,30){\includegraphics[width=1.5in,height=1.5in,bb=0 0 129 128]{sigma.png}} \put(10,20){\vector(1,0){200}}
\put(20,0){\vector(0,1){130}} \multiput(15,18)(5,0){38}{\line(0,1){4}}
\multiput(18,5)(0,5){24}{\line(1,0){4}} \put(5,5){$O$} \put(200,5){$X$} \put(10,135){$Y$}
\multiput(23,110)(6,0){2}{\line(1,0){4}} \multiput(35,18)(0,6){17}{\line(0,1){4}}
% or use something else (for example, PGF/TikZ)
\caption{This is a figure}
You can use color pictures.
% Table
\caption{This is a table}
% Put the table body here.
% For example,
\( x \) & \( x^2 \) \\
1 & 1 \\
10 & 100 \\
100 & 10000
% References and citations
This is an example of references:
and Table~\ref{tab:square:e}.
You can find an example of citing
the book~\cite{Reader:2019:FFD:e}
and the article~\cite{Author:2024:SRR:e}.
In bibliography,
the titles of the papers should be written in their original language
with translation into English [in square brackets],
see, e.g.,~\cite{Polak:1980:WAP:e}.
We can use Latin and Cyrillic alphabets.
Please, excuse us, but hieroglyphs cannot be reproduced.
So, please use the English translation of the title
with the inscription of their original language (in parentheses),
see, e.g.,~\cite{Samurai:1987:ETT:e}.
% Preparing a bibliography order items alphabetically
\emph{Some results on the Riemann zeta function},
J. Mod. Math. \textbf{54} (2024), no.~7, 132--321.
\emph{O warto\'sci asymptotycznej pewnej sumy}
[\emph{On the asymptotic value of a~certain sum}],
Wiadom. Mat. \textbf{81} (1980), 1--10.
A.~Reader and B.~M. Writer,
\emph{Fractals and fractal dimensions},
Publisher, Kyiv, 2019.
\emph{English translation of the title},
Publisher, Tokyo, 1987 (in Japanese).