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\author[Pei Feng Tong]{Pei Feng Tong}
\title{Peking University Beamer Template}
\subtitle{lightweight designed}
\institute{Guanghua School of Management, Peking University}
\newif\ifplacelogo % create a new conditional
\placelogotrue % set it to true
% official colors match with the PKU red
\def\cmd#1{\texttt{\color{red}\footnotesize $\backslash$#1}}
\def\env#1{\texttt{\color{blue}\footnotesize #1}}
\begin{frame}{How to cite in your introduction?}
\item \lipsum[1][1-2] \citep{langley00}
\item \citet {mitchell80} \lipsum[1][3-4]
\item \lipsum[1][5-6] \citep{kearns89}
important contents are \textcolor{red}{\bf bold red} \citep{MachineLearningI}.
\begin{frame}{Wrapping text around figures}
\begin{frame}{Mathematical expressions}
\bm Y = \bm G \bm X + \bm E,
\item $\bm G\in \mathbb{R}^{N\times SO}$ is a known gain matrix,
\item $\bm E$ is the IID Gaussian error with $e_{ij}\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$,
\item \lipsum[2][1]
\begin{frame}{Add block in text}
\begin{block}{What is Few-Shot Learning?}
\begin{frame}{Definition, Proposition and Theorem}
\begin{definition}[some explanations]
\begin{theorem}\label{theorem:generalization bound}
\caption{Units for Magnetic Properties}
Conversion from Gaussian and \par CGS EMU to SI $^{\mathrm{a}}$ \\
$\Phi $&
magnetic flux&
1 Mx $\to 10^{-8}$ Wb $= 10^{-8}$ V$\cdot $s \\
magnetic flux density, \par magnetic induction&
1 G $\to 10^{-4}$ T $= 10^{-4}$ Wb/m$^{2}$ \\
magnetic field strength&
1 Oe $\to 10^{3}/(4\pi )$ A/m \\
magnetic moment&
1 erg/G $=$ 1 emu \par $\to 10^{-3}$ A$\cdot $m$^{2} = 10^{-3}$ J/T \\
1 erg/(G$\cdot $cm$^{3}) =$ 1 emu/cm$^{3}$ \par $\to 10^{3}$ A/m \\
4$\pi M$&
1 G $\to 10^{3}/(4\pi )$ A/m \\
$\sigma $&
specific magnetization&
1 erg/(G$\cdot $g) $=$ 1 emu/g $\to $ 1 A$\cdot $m$^{2}$/kg \\
\multicolumn{3}{p{280pt}}{Vertical lines are optional in tables. Statements that serve as captions for
the entire table do not need footnote letters. }
\begin{frame}{References}%[allowframebreaks] if too many references
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{\Huge\calligra Thanks!}