Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) dissertation template
Benjamin Cordier
Last Updated
hace un año
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template following the OHSU School of Medicine thesis and dissertation style guide.
%% Document Setup
% Declare Document Class
% Import OHSU dissertation style
% For formatting reasons, we input the list of abbreviations
% (i.e. glossary) section outside of the document
%% Define Text Variables
% This is where you write in the details
% of your project, institution, etc.
\newcommand{\projecttitle}{Your Dissertation Title}
\newcommand{\projectauthor}{Your Name}
\newcommand{\department}{Your Department}
\newcommand{\institution}{Oregon Health \& Science University}
\newcommand{\school}{Your school (e.g. School of Medicine)}
\newcommand{\degreelong}{Long form name of your degree}
\newcommand{\degreeshort}{Short form name of your degree (i.e. the letters)}
\newcommand{\track}{Your Program Track}
\newcommand{\completionmonth}{Completion Month}
\newcommand{\completionyear}{Completion Year}
\newcommand{\advisor}{Name of Your Advisor}
\newcommand{\chair}{Name of Your Committee Chair}
\newcommand{\memberthree}{Name of Committee Member 3}
\newcommand{\memberfour}{Name of Committee Member 4}
\newcommand{\memberfive}{Name of Committee Member 5}
%% Document Structure
% Generate List of Abbreviations
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={List of Abbreviations},toctitle=List of Abbreviations]