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% Template for GWD/GFD documents.
% Created by Freek Dijkstra, original concept by Bruce Lowekamp.
% This template is placed in the public domain.
% Define some basics for your document:
\title{OGF Document Template (set in main.tex)} % Full title of the document
\newcommand{\shortdoctitle}{Small Title in main.tex} % Title used in page header
% title-authors.tex Title Authors Editors Pub date Copyright years
% keywords.tex provides a set of commands to provide consistent representations across the document
% Read pictures from img/ and current directory
%%% GWD/GFD header follows %%%
% Feel free to make changes, as long as your document follows the guidelines of GFP.152
\usepackage[numbers]{natbib} % Use [1] for references,
\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % References show full author name(s) and document URL
\usepackage[sf,compact]{titlesec} % Use sans-serif for section headers
\usepackage[titles]{tocloft} % Format table of contents
% (tocloft is used, since titletoc is incompatible with xetex.)
%%Globally change font to sans serif (affects documents)
% font style for headers and footers
\newcommand{\headerstyle}{\sffamily} % sans-serif
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\usepackage{parskip} % Blank lines between paragraphs, no indentation.
% % Tune placement of figures. (defaults are so strict that images and text are often separated.)
% \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.05} % min fraction of page for text. default: 0.2
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% \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.95}% max fraction of page for floats at bottom. default: 0.3
% % \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.35} % min fraction of floatpage that should have floats. default: 0.5
% % \setcounter{totalnumber}{5} % max number of floats on a page
% % Tune placement of text. (defaults are not strict enough.)
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% font style for text body
% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
% Set page margins
% \setlength{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
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% Macro to check if (optional) values above are defined or not.
% Define page header and footers
% use \revisiondate if defined, otherwise \publicationdate for right header:
\rhead{\fancyplain{}{\headerstyle\ifthenelse{\isundefined{\revisiondate }}{\publicationdate}{\ifthenelse{\equal{\revisiondate}{}}{\publicationdate}{\revisiondate}}}}
% Title page header
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\ifnonempty{\groupurl}{\groupurl \\}
\ifnonempty{\documenturl}{\documenturl \\}
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\ifnonempty{\revisiondate}{Revised \revisiondate \\}
\Large\bf\textsf \@title
% Remove this list before publication
% (Remove all \todo{}s as well)
%%Add todo{}s as follows
%\todo[noline]{} %% Margin note
%\todo[inline]{} %% line on its own note
%\todo{} %% Margin note with line
%%% End of header, insert content below this line %%%
%Status, Obsoletes, Document Change, Copyright Notice, Trademark
% \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References}
%Note that only permanent documents should be cited as references. Other items, such as Web pages or working groups, should be cited inline (i.e., see the Open Grid Forum, http://www.ogf.org) or as a footnote. In-text citations can refer to work in progress. To refer to a current working draft, an inline citation might simply read, (the XYZ working group has a draft in progress to address this topic. It may be found via the WG's Web page at www.example.org). Hyperlinks to transient documents should be avoided (for example, a link to a current draft of a document should not be used, if the document is likely to be replaced in the near future)
%References should conform to a standard such as used by IEEE/ACM\footnote{\url{http://www.computer.org/portal/web/publications/style_refs}}, MLA\footnote{\url{http://library.concordia.ca/help/howto/mla.php}}, Chicago\footnote{\url{http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html}} or similar. Include an author, year, title, publisher, place of publication. For online materials, also add a URL and an access date. It may be useful, but is not required to separate out ``normative references,'' as described in \cite{rfc3967}.
% LaTeX users may want to look into the options for the natbib package for different
% styles. In order to use references style (Author, year) instead of [number],
% Replace \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} with \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib}
% and optionally replace \cite with \cite.
%Some sample citations:
% Define heading of bibliography to be empty, since we already have a heading above the text.
% Use bibliography.bib for references.
% Alternatively, you can insert the bibliography inline, like so:
% \begin{thebibliography}{5}
% \bibitem[GFD0000()]{gfd0000}
% Firstname Author1 and Firstname Author2.
% \newblock {Our Awesome Grid Forum Document}.
% \newblock GWD-C.0000, April 2002.
% \bibitem[GFD152()Catlett, de~Laat, Martin, Newby, and Skow]{gfd152}
% Charlie Catlett, Cees de~Laat, David Martin, Gregory~B. Newby, and Dane Skow.
% \newblock {Open Grid Forum Document Process and Requirements}.
% \newblock GFD-C.152, June 2009.
% \newblock URL \url{http://www.ogf.org/documents/GFD.152.pdf}.
% \bibitem[RFC2119()]{rfc2119}
% Scott Bradner.
% \newblock {Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels}.
% \newblock RFC 2119 (Best Current Practice), March 1997.
% \newblock URL \url{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119}.
% \bibitem[RFC3552()Rescorla, Korver, and {Internet Architectures Board}]{rfc3552}
% Eric Rescorla, Brian Korver, and {Internet Architectures Board}.
% \newblock {Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security Considerations}.
% \newblock RFC 3552 (Best Current Practice), July 2003.
% \newblock URL \url{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3552}.
% \bibitem[RFC3967()]{rfc3967}
% Randy Bush and Thomas Narten.
% \newblock {Clarifying when Standards Track Documents may Refer Normatively to Documents at a Lower Level}.
% \newblock RFC 3967 (Best Current Practice), December 2004.
% \newblock URL \url{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3967}.
% \end{thebibliography}