NYUSH DS-CS Capstone Outline Template
Promethee Spathis
Last Updated
hace un año
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for writing a project outline, intended for Data Science and Computer Science majors at NYU Shanghai
\lhead{NYU Shanghai}
Computer Science \& Data Science Capstone - Fall 2023}
\title{Your Wonderful Project Title\\
\Large \emph{Topic Outline -- Final Draft}}
%%%% NAMES OF ALL THE STUDENTS INVOLVED (first-name last-name)
\author{\href{mailto:author1@nyu.edu}{Author \#1 Name} (auth\#1 NetID) - \emph{auth\#1 major}\\ \href{mailto:author2@nyu.edu}{Author \#2 Name} (auth\#2 NetID) - \emph{auth\#2 major}}
\date{\vspace{-5ex}} %NO DATE
\item Supervisor \#1 (\href{mailto:supervisor1@nyu.edu}{sup\#1-email-address})
\item Supervisor \#2 (\href{mailto:supervisor2@nyu.edu}{sup\#2-email-address})
Explain what you hope your research will find or show.
\item[--] Identify your area or topic of research and the problems encountered in that area that remain to be solved.
\item[--] State the objectives of your project through a question or series of questions, worth answering, addressing one or some of these problems.
\item[--] Give a projection of the results or achievements that you expect from your capstone project.
Explain your interest in and experience with this topic.
\item[--] Describe any previous research you have conducted on this or related topics
\item[--] Identify classes you have taken on this or related topics, or any reading you have already done in the field.
\item[--] If you have personal experience that has lead you to want to do more research, describe that here too.
Explain why this topic is worth considering and why your research is worth conducting.
\item[--] What do you hope to learn from it?
\item[--] What will this new knowledge add to the field of knowledge that already exists on this topic?
\item[--] What new perspective will our findings bring to the topic?
\item[--] What use might your final capstone report have for others in this field?
\item[--] Who might you decide to share your findings with once the project is complete?
Describe the kind of research you will conduct to complete this project.
\item[--] Explain how you will conduct this research in as much detail as possible.
\item[--] Describe the applicable theory or model(s) that will be used or may apply to the problem investigated in this project.
\item[--] Identify the existing datasets you have access to or the methods you will use to collect, extract, or gather a new dataset.
\item[--] Describe the methods and procedures you will use to analyze and evaluate your research in as much detail as is possible at this stage
\item[--] Describe the problems you expect to encounter and how you hope to solve them.
\item[--] Make a list of research papers and sources you plan to consult.