NYU PhD Thesis Template
Last Updated
hace 4 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
NYU Ph.D. thesis format. Created by José Koiller 2007--2008. Updated by Anshul Vikram Pandey with new design guidelines. 2017-2018
NYU Ph.D. thesis format. Created by José Koiller 2007--2008. Updated by Anshul Vikram Pandey with new design guidelines. 2017-2018
%% NYU PhD thesis format. Created by José Koiller 2007--2008.
%% Updated by Anshul Vikram Pandey with new design guidelines. 2017-2018
%% Use the first of the following lines during production to
%% easily spot "overfull boxes" in the output. Use the second
%% line for the final version.
% \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{report}
% \documentclass[12pt]{article}
%% Replace the title, name, advisor name, graduation date and dedication below with
%% your own. Graduation months must be January, May or September.
\newcommand{\thesistitle}{TITLE TO JUSTIFY YOUR PHD YEARS}
\newcommand{\thesisauthor}{Your Name}
\newcommand{\thesisadvisor}{Your Advisor's Name}
\newcommand{\graddate}{Month 20XX} % like January XX, May 20XX, September 20XX
%% If you do not want a dedication, scroll down and comment out
%% the appropriate lines in this file.
\newcommand{\thesisdedication}{To all the Ph.D. pursuing brave souls}
%% The following makes chapters and sections, but not subsections,
%% appear in the TOC (table of contents). Increase to 2 or 3 to
%% make subsections or subsubsections appear, respectively. It seems
%% to be usual to use the "1" setting, however.
%% Sectional units up to subsubsections are numbered. To number
%% subsections, but not subsubsections, decrease this counter to 2.
% Setting a gap between page number and text block
%% Page layout (customized to letter paper and NYU requirements):
%% Use the following commands, if desired, during production.
%% Comment them out for final version.
%\usepackage{layout} % defines the \layout command, see below
%\setlength{\hoffset}{-.75in} % creates a large right margin for notes and \showlabels
%% Controls spacing between lines (\doublespacing, \onehalfspacing, etc.):
%% \usepackage{amsmath}
%% \usepackage{amssymb}
% \newfloat{algorithm}{t}{lop}
%% Use the line below for official NYU version, which requires
%% double line spacing. For all other uses, this is unnecessary,
%% so the line can be commented out.
\onehalfspacing % requires package setspace, invoked above
%% Each of the following lines defines the \com command, which produces
%% a comment (notes for yourself, for instance) in the output file.
%% Example: \com{this will appear as a comment in the output}
%% Choose (uncomment) only one of the three forms:
%\newcommand{\com}[1]{[/// {#1} ///]} % between [/// and ///].
\newcommand{\com}[1]{\marginpar{\tiny #1}} % as (tiny) margin notes
%\newcommand{\com}[1]{} % suppress all comments.
%% This inputs your auxiliary file with \usepackage's and \newcommand's:
%% It is assumed that that file is called "definitions.tex".
%% Cross-referencing utilities. Use one or the other--whichever you prefer--
%% but comment out both lines for final version.
% \pagestyle{headings}
%% Produces a test "layout" page, for "debugging" purposes only.
%% Comment out for final version.
%\layout % requires package layout (see above, on this same file)
%% Sets page numbering to "roman style" i, ii, iii, iv, etc:
%%%%%% Cover page %%%%%%%%%%%
%% Sets page numbering to "roman style" i, ii, iii, iv, etc:
{\large {\bf DISSERTATION}}\\
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of\\
% \vspace{.1in}
the Requirements for\\
% \vspace{.1in}
the Degree of\\}
{\large DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Computer Science)}\\
at the \\
% \vfill
%%%%%% Title page %%%%%%%%%%%
%% No numbering in the title page:
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of\\
% \vspace{.1in}
the Requirements for\\
% \vspace{.1in}
the Degree of\\
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Computer Science)\\
at the \\
% \vfill
% \vfill
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[2.5in]{Approved: \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[2.5in]{\hfill Department Chair Signature\hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[2.5in]{\hfill Date \hfill}}
University ID: {N...}\\ % Add your University ID
Net ID: \hspace{.415in} {...}\\ % Add your Net ID
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Copyright Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Guidance Committee Signature Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Approved by the Guidance Committee:
\underline{Major}: Computer Science
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill \textbf{Advisor's Name}\hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Professor of \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Computer Science and Engineering \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Date \hfill}}\\
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill \textbf{Advisor's Name}\hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Professor of \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Computer Science and Engineering \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Date \hfill}}\\
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill \textbf{Advisor's Name}\hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Assistant Professor of \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Computer Science and Engineering \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Date \hfill}}\\
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill \textbf{Advisor's Name}\hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Assistant Professor of XXX\hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Computer Science and Engineering \hfill}}
\makebox[\textwidth]{\hfill\makebox[3in]{\hfill Date \hfill}}\\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Microfilm / Publishing Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Microfilm or other copies of this dissertation are obtainable from
UMI Dissertation Publishing\\
ProQuest CSA\\
789 E. Eisenhower Parkway\\
P.O. Box 1346\\
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Vita %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ackknowlegment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Comment out the following lines if you do not want to acknowledge
%% anyone's help...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dedication Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Comment out the following lines if you do not want to dedicate
%% this to anyone...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Abstract %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\bf ABSTRACT}\\
{\bf \thesistitle}\\
{\bf by}\\
{\bf \thesisauthor}\\
{\bf Advisor: Prof. \thesisadvisor, Ph.D.}\\
{\bf Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for}\\
{\bf the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science)}\\
{\bf \graddate}
%%%% Table of Contents %%%%%%%%%%%%
% \clearpage
% \pagestyle{headings}
%%%%% List of Figures %%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Comment out the following two lines if your thesis does not
%% contain any figures. The list of figures contains only
%% those figures included withing the "figure" environment.
%%%%% List of Tables %%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Comment out the following two lines if your thesis does not
%% contain any tables. The list of tables contains only
%% those tables included withing the "table" environment.
%%%%% Body of thesis starts %%%%%%%%%%%%
\pagenumbering{arabic} % switches page numbering to arabic: 1, 2, 3, etc.
%% Introduction. If your thesis has no introduction, or chapter 1 is
%% meant to be the introduction, then comment out the lines below.
%% \section*{Introduction}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Introduction}
%%If your thesis has different "Parts", use commands such as the following:
%%%%% Appendices start %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Comment out the following line if your thesis has no appendix
%% Note: If your thesis has more than one appendix, NYU requires a "list of
%% appendices" page before the body of the thesis. I don't provide the tools
%% to create that here, so you're on your own for that one... Sorry.
%%%% Input bibliography file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \input{thesis}
\bibliography{thesis,introduction/introduction,background/background,conclusions/conclusions} % add intelligently