Maastricht University Beamer Theme
Ziyue Zhu
Last Updated
hace 9 meses
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Unofficial Maastricht University beamer theme based on the Microsoft Powerpoint template.
Unofficial Maastricht University beamer theme based on the Microsoft Powerpoint template.
\documentclass[pdfpagelabels=false, usepdftitle=false]{beamer}
\usetheme[navigation, sectiontitles]{UM}
% ----------------------
% title page information
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\title[Short Title]{Maastricht University Beamer Theme}
\subtitle{This is a subtitle}
\author[Me, other]{
My name \inst{1} \& Another Author \inst{2}
\inst{1} ROA, Maastricht University \\
\inst{2} SBE, Maastricht University
% ---------------------
% begin of presentation
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\UMtitleframe % note that we *do not* use \titlepage
% ----Frame------------
% ----Frame------------
\section{Looks of environments}
\subsection{Looks of list environments}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Looks of list environments}
\item Important point
\item Not really an important point, but let's pretend it is
\arrowitem Command \verb+\arrowitem+ is a shortcut for
\item Breathe in
\item Breathe out
\item[UM Beamer theme] looks simple and nice
% ----Frame------------
\subsection{Looks of block environments}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Looks of block environments}
\begin{block}{Making things stand out}
This is an example of citation \cite{sample}.
Official UM colors are available, see the next slide
% ----Frame------------
The UM Beamer theme defines the following official Maastricht University colors:
RGB 0,28,61
\textcolor{UMlightblue}{\code{UMlightblue}}: RGB 0,162,219
\textcolor{UMred}{\code{UMred}}: RGB 174,11,18
\textcolor{UMorange}{\code{UMorgange}}: RGB 243,148,37
\textcolor{UMorangered}{\code{UMorgangered}}: RGB 232,78,16
\arrowitem Command \verb+\alert()+ uses \alert{\code{UMred}} for
% ----Frame------------
\section{Using the theme}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Using the theme}
\arrowitem Include \verb+\usetheme{UM}+ in the preamble
\arrowitem Use \verb+\UMtitleframe+ to generate the title page
\alert{Theme options}:
\item \verb+navigation+: Display a navigation bar on the left hand side
\item \verb+sectiontitles+: Display a slide with the section title at the
start of each section
\alert{Example}: \verb+\usetheme[navigation, sectiontitles]{UM}+
% ----Frame------------
\section{Customized Commands}
\subsection{Commands for mathematical notation}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Commands for mathematical notation}
For mathematical notation inside math environments, the following commands are
\item \verb+\mat{}+: For formatting matrices, e.g., $\mat{X}$
\item \verb+\vect{}+: For formatting vectors, e.g., $\vect{x}$
\item \verb+\obs{}+: For formatting observations, e.g., $\obs{x}$
% ----Frame------------
\subsection{Other Commands}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Other commands provided by the theme}
For writing about software, the following commands are available:
\item \verb+\proglang{}+: For highlighting programming languages, e.g.,
\proglang{R} \\
{\small (has no effect if you already use a sans serif font)}
\item \verb+\pkg{}+: For highlighting software packages, e.g., \pkg{robmed}
\item \verb+\code{}+: For highlighting functions, e.g.,
\arrowitem Special characters currently need to be escaped within those
commands, e.g., \verb+\_+ for underscores
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