%!TEX ROOT=sample-thesis.tex
%!TEX PROGRAM=xelatex
%% Sample thesis using umsthesis.cls, August 4, 2016.
%% by Lian Tze LIM (liantze@gmail.com)
%% http://liantze.penguinattack.org/latextypesetting.html#umsthesis
%% Possible options:
%% english -- Thesis in English (default).
%% bahasam -- Thesis in Bahasa Malaysia.
%% usesansmath -- Uses Tahoma for alphabetic math symbols too
%% microtype -- Even nicer typographic output! Reduces chances of hyphenation
%% but *sometimes* (though rare) may cause an endless loop as
%% the typesetting engine tries to find an optimal line break.
% \documentclass[microtype,bahasam]{umsthesis}
%% Theses in Bahasa Malaysia may use another style;
%% consult your faculty/school and change accordingly
\setcitestyle{notesep={: }}
%% Load any other packages you need here
%% Very useful if you're in engineering, chemistry, physics
%% Various symbols (e.g. musical notes)
%% Just for generating dummy text.
% %% Information about your thesis
\author{Lim Lian Tze}
\title{\LaTeX{} Thesis Template for Universiti Sabah Malaysia}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\studyfield{Computer Science}
\faculty{Faculty of Engineering}
% \submissionmonth{March}
\vivadate{20 May 2016}
%% Generates the cover page, a blank page, and then the title page
%% Candidate's Declaration (remember to sign!)
\makedeclaration{1 Aug 2016}
%% Supervisor's Declaration (remember to sign!)
\member{Main Supervisor}{Name of Supervisor}
\member{Co-Supervisor}{Name of Co-supervisor}
%% Acknowledgements in a separate file
%% English and Malay abstracts in their respective files
\inputMsAbstract[Nyatakan Tajuk Bahasa Malaysia]{sample-msabstract}
%% Content lists
%% Recommended to put chapters in separate files
%% Your .bib bibliography file (without .bib extension)
%% Glossary (optional)
% %% Recommended to put appendices in separate files