Lab report/project template
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hace 2 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Simple template for lab report or project
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\AddToShipoutPicture{\put(530,400){\rotatebox{270}{\scalebox{0.7}{\sf A simple template of project/lab report}}}}
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\sf Title}
\fancyfoot[RO]{\rf{Number of Group}}
\fancyfoot[LE]{\lf{Number of Group}}
\fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\uni{Name of University}}
\title{Here is the title}
\author{First Author{\rep{1}{*}}\and Second Author{\rep{2}{*}}\and Third Author{\rep{3}{*}}}
\abstract{\textbf{Abstract:} Here is the abstract.}{keyword1, keyword2}
\ftext{\rep{1}{*}First Author: Student ID xxxxx}
\ftext{\rep{2}{*}Second Author: Student ID xxxxx}
\ftext{\rep{3}{*}Third Author: Student ID xxxxx}
\more{Some information}
\section*{First Section}
\lettrine[lines=3]{T}{est} \lipsum[1]
\captionof{figure}{Page-wide figure in two-column mode (specific position)}
\captionof{table}{Page-wide table in two-column mode (specific position)}
A & A & A & A\\
A & A & A & A\\
A & A & A & A\\
\section*{From Author}
jcyxx99, usage of ``usepackage" is the basic general knowledge that every latex user should know, so try harder, nian ji yi da ba le, bie chu lai diu ren xian yan le!
\bibitem{1} xxxxxxx
\bibitem{2} xxxxxxx
\bibitem{3} xxxxxxx
\bibitem{4} xxxxxxx
\bibitem{5} xxxxxxx
\bibitem{6} xxxxxxx
\bibitem{7} xxxxxxx
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