IIT Madras Resume Template (2-page)
Rajib Das Bhagat
Last Updated
hace 2 años
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Resume Template (2 or more pages) for Engineering Graduates.
Original: Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com)
%% start of file `template.tex'.
%% Original Copyright 2006-2013 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
%% Modified Copyright 2021-2022: Rajib Das Bhagat (rajibdasbhagat@gmail.com).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv} % possible options include font size ('10pt', '11pt' and '12pt'), paper size ('a4paper', 'letterpaper', 'a5paper', 'legalpaper', 'executivepaper' and 'landscape') and font family ('sans' and 'roman')
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% adjust the page margins
%\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{3cm} % if you want to change the width of the column with the dates
%\setlength{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{10cm} % for the 'classic' style, if you want to force the width allocated to your name and avoid line breaks. be careful though, the length is normally calculated to avoid any overlap with your personal info; use this at your own typographical risks...
% personal data
\insti{Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India)}
%\extrainfo{Placement Registration Number: Y/33/CS/20/067}
\address{vill: Somewhere}{City - 123456}{State, Country}
% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
\phone[mobile]{+91-123456789} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
%\phone[fixed]{+2~(345)~678~901} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
%\phone[fax]{+3~(456)~789~012} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\email{emailId@gmail.com} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\homepage{www.linkedin.com/in/xxxxxxxxxx} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\extrainfo{\homepagesymbol \httplink{www.github.com/xxxxxxxxxx}}
% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\photo[64pt][0.4pt]{logo.png} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; '64pt' is the height the picture must be resized to, 0.4pt is the thickness of the frame around it (put it to 0pt for no frame) and 'picture' is the name of the picture file
%\quote{Love thy journey, never thy destination!}
% content
%\begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gbsn} % to typeset your resume in Chinese using CJK
%----- resume ---------------------------------------------------------
\cvcolumncell {~\textit{ {\href{https://somelinks}{\textcolor{blue}{M.Tech.}}}} (Computer Science \& Engg.)}
\cvcolumncell {}
\cvcolumncell {~\textit{ {\href{https://somelinks}{\textcolor{blue}{B.Tech.}}}} (Computer Science \& Engg.)}
\cvcolumncell {}
\cvcolumncell {~\textit{ {\href{https://somelinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Diploma}}}} (Computer Science \& Tech.)}
\cvcolumncell {}
\cvcolumncell {~\textit{ {\href{https://somelinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Secondary School Leaving Certificate}}}}}
\cvcolumncell {}
\cvcolumncell{~Indian Institute of Technology Madras}
\cvcolumncell{\textit{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chennai, Tamil Nadu}}
\cvcolumncell{~Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College}
\cvcolumncell{\textit{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jalpaiguri, West Bengal}}
\cvcolumncell{~Darjeeling Polytechnic}
\cvcolumncell{\textit{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kurseong, West Bengal}}
\cvcolumncell{~Meghalaya Board of School Education}
\cvcolumncell{\textit{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tura, Meghalaya}}
\section{Key Projects}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(M.Tech / Guide: Prof. XXXX)}
{1. \textit{{\href{https://somelinks}{\textcolor{blue}{~Project 1}}}} }{Aug 20xx - April 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Correctly \textbf{classified} the Kaggle eye image dataset into different stages of DR and also \textbf{predicted} an eye image as \textbf{abnormal or normal with 94\% accuracy.}}
\cvlistitem{\textit{Keywords: CNN, DR, Kaggle, GPU, Python, Anaconda, Keras, Confusion Matrix}}
%\cvlistitem{Language(used): Python}
%\cvlistitem{Tools/Libraries (used): Anaconda (Spyder), GPU }
\cventry{Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College}{(B.Tech / Guide: Mrs. XXXX)}
{2. \textit{{\href{https://somelinks}{\textcolor{blue}{~Project 2}}} }}{Jan-May 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Developed a \textbf{web portal} for taking online examination.}
\cvlistitem{\textit{Keywords: LAMP stack (Linux-Apache-Mysql-PhpMyadmin), HTML, CSS, Php}}
%\cvlistitem{Language: HTML, PHP, MySql}
%\cvlistitem{Tools: PhpMyAdmin, Xampp, Abode Dreamweaver}
\cventry{Darjeeling Polytechnic}{(Diploma / Guide: Asst. Prof XXXX)}
{2. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{~Project 2}}} }}{Jan-May 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Developed an application which detected malware in windows systems. }
\cvlistitem{\textit{Keywords: VB, Visual Basic}}
%\cvlistitem{Language: VB}
%\cvlistitem{Tools: Visual Basic }
\section{Course Projects}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(M.Tech / Faculty: Prof. XXXXXXXX)}
{1. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Project 1}}}}
}{Jan-May 2019}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Implemented \textbf{Simulated Annealing} algorithm for TSP; finding the shortest possible route between the cities.}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(M.Tech / Faculty: Prof. XXXXXXXX)}
{2. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Project 2}}}} }{Jan-May 2019}{}{}
\cvlistitem{ To code a bot to play the game of Othello, and win with valid moves, implemented using algorithm \textbf{MiniMax}.}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(M.Tech / Faculty: Prof. XXXXXXXX)}
{3. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Project 3}}}} }{Jan-May 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{ Implemented \textbf{Genetic algorithm} (GA) for finding the best candidate tour and integrated it with the provided animation platform.}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(M.Tech / Faculty: Dr. XXXXXXX) }
{4. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Project 4}}}} }{Jan-May 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Designed and implemented a block cipher similar to AES.}
%\cvlistitem{Language: C}
%\cvlistitem{Tools: Code-Blocks}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(M.Tech / Faculty: Prof. XXXXXXXX)}
{4. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Project 5}}}} (Domain - Mobile) }{Jan-May 2018}{}{}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Created and validated \textbf{XML data model}.}{Used multiple \textbf{Web API's} to create a \textbf{Mash-up}.}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Used \textbf{SparQL Endpoints} to create a \textbf{Mash-up}.}{\textbf{Ontology creation} using ontology editor "\textbf{Protege}".}
%\cvlistitem{Language: Java, HTML, SPARQL}
%\cvlistitem{Tools: Oxygen (XML editor), Eclipse}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(M.Tech / Faculty: Prof. XXXXX)}
{5. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Project 6}}}} }{Aug-Dec 2017}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Implemented two 5G protocols for \textbf{Beam-searching} and \textbf{Transmission scheduling} in millimeter wave communication.}
%\cvlistitem{Language: Java}
%\cvlistitem{Tools: Eclipse}
\section{Online Courses }
\cvlistitem {Jovian:
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Data Structures and Algorithms in Python}}} (May 2021),
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs}}} (Jan 2021),
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas}}} (Oct 2020)
\cvlistitem {MathWorks:
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Machine Learning with Matlab}} (June 2020)},
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Matlab Onramp}}} (May 20xx),
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Deep Learning Onramp}}} (May 20xx),
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Machine Learning Onramp}}} (May 20xx),
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Deep Learning with Matlab}} (May 20xx)}
\cvlistitem {Coursera:
\textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Covid-19 Contact Tracing}}} (May 20xx)}
\section{Online Course Projects}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Classified \textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Food-101}}} images using ResNet-9. (20xx)}
{Classified \textit{\href{https://https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{MNIST}}} hand written digit recognition. (20xx)}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Classified \textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{CIFAR-10}}} images using Neural Network. (20xx)}
{Analysed \textit{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Covid-19}}} dataset for various parameters. (20xx)}
\section{Industrial Training}
\cventry{National Skill Development Corporation, Kolkata}{(B.Tech / Mentor: Mrs XXXX) }
{1. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Employee Appraisal System}}}} }{Dec 20xx - Jan 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Developed an application which computed the salary hike of an employee based on the performance rating. }
\cventry{Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Jalpaiguri}{(Diploma / Mentor: XXXXXX)}
{2. \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (Networking)}}}}}{Oct-Nov 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{Studied the working of landline phones and its architecture, in specified stream of Switching, OFC \& IT.}
\section{Course Work}
\cventry{IIT Madras}{(Core and electives)}{1. Key Courses}{August 20xx-April 20xx}{}{}
\cvlistitem{{Course}: Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Logic and Combinatorics for Computer Science, Theory and Applications of Ontology, Digital System Testing and Testable Design, Applied Cryptography, Non-linear Optimization}
\cvlistitem{{Lab}: Advanced Programming Languages in C++}
\section{Technical Skills}
{Programming Language}: C, C++, Java, Python}{
{Web Technology}: HTML, XML, SPARQL, Php}
{Database System}: phpMyAdmin, Mysql}{
{Operating System}: Windows, Linux}
\cvlistitem{Framework: LAMP stack, GPU, Wireframe (Balsamiq)}
\cvlistitem{{Tools:} {Latex, Eclipse, Anaconda, Abode Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office}}
\section{Positions of Responsibility}
\item \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}
{\textcolor{blue}{Mentor}}}} at Going Online As Leaders (GOAL) jointly initiated by Facebook India and MoTA - Govt. of India. (20xx-xx).
\item \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Teaching Assistant}}}} for Computational Engineering course, CSE Department, IIT Madras (Jan-May, 20xx).
\item \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Teaching Assistant}}}} at Computing Facility, CSE Department, IIT Madras (July-Nov, 20xx).
\item \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Teaching Assistant}}}} at Library, CSE Department, IIT Madras (Jan-May, 20xx).
\item \textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Teaching Assistant}}}} for Computational Engineering course, CSE Department, IIT Madras (July-Nov, 20xx).
\cvlistitem {Participated in the webinar,
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Foundations of Vedic Mathematics}}}} conducted by SSNU, Tamil Nadu (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Participated in the webinar on
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{NBA Accreditation \& Role of Stakeholders in the light of National Education Policy (2020)}}}}, organized by Women's polytechnic, Tripura in association with NITTTR, Kolkata (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Participated the
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{International Youth Web-Conclave on Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam}}}}, jointly organized by Sixth Sense Foundation, Shree Sisters, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women and Global International School (Nov 20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Attended the workshop on
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Program for Aspiring College Teachers (PACT)}}}}, conducted by TLC, IIT Madras (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Successfully qualified
{\textcolor{blue}{UGC-NET}}}} (20xx),
{\textcolor{blue}{SLET-NE Region}}}} (20xx),
{\textcolor{blue}{WB-SET}}}} (20xx) and
{\textcolor{blue}{GATE}}}} (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Secured 3\textsuperscript{rd} rank out of 540 in
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Virtual Product Management Experience Project
}}}} conducted by Quollab (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Competed in the
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Code To Japan Algorithms}}} and {\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Code To Japan AI}}}} challenge, with overall 188/746 (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Awarded as
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Star Teaching Assistant}}}} for contribution as a Teaching Assistant, by CSE Department, IIT Madras (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Received the
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Certificate of Appreciation}}}} for donating blood, State Blood Transfusion Council, West Bengal (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Secured
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{2\textsuperscript{nd} in quiz competition}}}} in
Rotary Youth Festival held by Rotary Club of Tura, Meghalaya (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Secured
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{1\textsuperscript{st} in quiz competition}}}} in
Rotary Youth Festival held by Rotary Club of Tura, Meghalaya (20xx).}
\cvlistitem {Secured
\textit{{\href{https://someLinks}{\textcolor{blue}{Consolation Prize}}}} in essay writing competition on topic \textit{Conservation of Natural resources} held by Soil Conservation Department, Meghalaya (20xx).}
%Languages (Spoken/known): Assamese, Bengali, English, Garo, Hindi, Nepali.
\cvlistdoubleitem{Hobbies: Travelling, Cooking, Learning languages}{Languages: Bengali, Hindi, Assamese, Nepali, Garo.}
{I do hereby declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.}\\
{Place: Somewhere, State (Country)\hspace{25em} (Full Name)}\\
{Date: 18th Aug, 20xx}
Note: Highlighted are link to proofs and validation (if required).
%% end of file `template.tex'.