%This template was created by Emil Rosenlund Høeg for the ICDVRAT 2024 conference. If submitting to the ICDVRAT conference, please do not alter the icdvrat.sty file, but add additional packages in the main.tex file only. For other purposes, alter and re-use as much as you want.
%Contact: erh@create.aau.dk
%Version: v1.2 @ 19-12-2023
\usepackage{icdvrat} %% use icdvrat style
%% provide authormark
%Change title
\title{\vspace{25pt} Please use this template for your paper – this is the title}
%Change authors or add additional ones.
\author{A B Author,\authormark{1} C D Author,\authormark{2,*} and E F Author\authormark{3}}
% Update author affilations
\address{\authormark{1}Department, University,\\
Street, Town, City, COUNTRY \\
\authormark{2,3}Department, University, \\
Street, Town, City, COUNTRY}
\email{\authormark{1}ab@etc, \authormark{2}cd@etc, \authormark{3}ef@etc}
\email{\authormark{1}\url{https://icdvrat2024.lf3.cuni.cz/}} %% email address is required
% Article begins:
These instructions are for extended abstract submissions including both regular and poster submissions. It grants the authors with basic guidelines for preparing papers for the 15$^{th}$ International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT), 2024. In collaboration with the National Institute of Mental Health (NUDZ) and Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CTU) in Prague, Czech Republic.
Authors are requested to submit the final formatted paper electronically to the ICDVRAT Programme Chair at LINK. The paper is to be formatted with either Word for Windows (.docx), the OpenDocument Text-format (.odt) or LaTeX (Overleaf link). \textbf{The manuscript must be converted to and uploaded as a PDF}. Please do not upload password protected files. Authors are fully responsible for the quality of their article and are kindly requested to observe the following instructions for the preparation of their manuscripts.
The final deadline for receipt of long and short papers is 31st of March 2024. At least one author must be registered. The early registration rate ends on 30th of June 2024. Papers submitted without a corresponding registration cannot be presented at the conference nor will appear in the proceedings.
\section{Formats for papers}
\subsection{Full-size Electronic \& Camera-Ready Copy (CRC) Manuscripts}
If you use Word or an OpenDocument Text editor, prepare your paper in full-size format using A4 setting (210\textit{mm} × 297\textit{mm}) as it appears in this template. Check the different even and odd pages and do not use local paper sizes. In formatting the page, set the margins to those shown in Table 1. Do not use any custom headers or footers, or change those present in this template. Do not use footnotes; references to web addresses can be included in the Reference Section.
\caption{The caption comes before the table, italicised and centred on the page.}
\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\textbf{Margins setup}} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Top margin}} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{2.0 cm} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Bottom margin} & \textbf{3 cm} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Left margin}} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{2.5 cm} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Right margin} & \textbf{2.5 cm} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Gutter margin}} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{0.0 cm} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Gutter position} & \textbf{Left} \\ \hline
\subsection{Electronic Submission of Papers}
Authors are asked to submit the final versions of papers electronically to: [Hyperlink]
\section{Headings, Paragraphs and Type Font}
The easiest way to format the paper is to use this document as a template. Please do not alter the footer information. The written and spoken language of ICDVRAT is English. The main heading of the paper should be in sentence case and centred. Avoid starting the title by using indefinite articles (a, an, to, the, etc). Do not use abbreviations, acronyms or project names in the title. This heading should be in bold using 14-point type size. The title should be preceded by a 24-point spacing (usage of Format → Paragraph is encouraged).
Section heading should also be bold and centred, but capitalised, in 12-point type size. The spacing preceding the section headings is 16-point. All sections (except the Abstract, Acknowledgements, and References) should be consecutively numbered.
\subsection{Subheadings and initial letters}
Subheadings should be 10-point, bold, typed flush to left side, and in lower case with initial capitals for all main words. Number each subheading as shown using the section number and subheading number. Subheadings and sub-subheadings here are preceded by a single line space (10 point).
Sub-subheadings should be italicised and flushed left. There should not be any further sub-sections.
Any paragraph starting after a heading, subheading, table, figure, or equation, should begin flush with the left column. Subsequent columns should be indented by 5mm, as follows:
Type size for standard text (and all subheadings) should be 10-point, the line spacing should be set at ‘at least 10-point’. There should be a 6-point spacing between paragraphs.
The default font for the ICDVRAT Proceedings in Times New Roman. Other fonts are acceptable for use in diagrams or tables. However, do not use any fonts that are region specific. If in doubt, please email the Programme Chair to ensure compatibility of the font you wish to use.
\section{Style hints}
\subsection{First page}
Space between the Title and Abstract is reserved for the name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), corresponding address(es), email address(es) and, if appropriate, web site. Abstract and main body of the paper follow as suggested by this manuscript. The abstract should be between 50 and 100 words.
The standard units of the conference follow IEEE guidelines. Please use SI units as primary units. Please avoid using any other units unless they are used as identifiers in trade.
\subsection{Figures and Illustrations}
Illustrations and photographs should be positioned at or near the top of a page and as close as possible to the first reference to them. Please generate tables using the Word Table tool and generate any other diagrams using separate software, saving diagrams as images (JPEG, GIF, TIFF, etc). Vectorized formats are preferred whenever possible.
Captions for tables should appear before the table, see Table \ref{tab:Table_1}, while captions for figures and photographs should appear after the figure, see Figure \ref{fig:sharkey}, for example. Both should be centred and italicised. Long captions should be justified with 1cm right and left margins.
Equations should be typed within the text and numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript. The equation number should be typed in parenthesis, flush with the right-hand margin. Equations may be centred with each other, see Eqs (1-2) or on the page, see Eq. (3). Note that equations need not be numbered.
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}
\caption{The caption comes after the illustration or photograph and is centred. Any diagram or figure that has been previously published should be referenced. This photograph appears courtesy of \cite{sharkey1996yorick}.}
The conference is adopting a standardised reference format which is very similar to Harvard/APA styles. References should be listed alphabetically by first author. When referencing previous work, the surname of the first author and the year of publication of the reference should be given e.g: \cite{sharkey1996yorick}. Two or more references by the same author in the same year should be differentiated by letters a, b, c, e.g. \citet{author1990a,author1990b,author1990c}. For references of more than two authors, text citations should be shortened to the first name followed by the term et al. Examples: \cite{author1990a}.