EPFL EDMI Annual Thesis Report
Anurag Mangla
Last Updated
hace 10 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for the Annual PhD Thesis Report for the Doctoral School in Microsystems and Microelectronics (EDMI) of EPFL
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\fancyhead[L]{{\Large\textsc{\sffamily doctoral program in\\ microsystems \&
microelectronics}}}%{DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN\\
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\title{\normalsize\bfseries Annual Thesis Report (2013--2014)\\
\Large\bfseries Modeling nanoscale quasi-ballistic MOS transistors:\\ a circuit design perspective
%\textit{Intermediate Report}}
\maketitle %
\begin{tabular}{m{6cm} m{5cm} m{3cm}}
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\bfseries{Report Type:} & Final & \\\\\\
\bfseries{PhD Student:} & Anurag Mangla & \dotfill{} \\\\\\
\bfseries{Thesis Director:} & Prof. Christian Enz & \dotfill{} \\\\\\
\bfseries{Thesis Co-director:} & Dr. Jean-Michel Sallese & \dotfill{} \\\\\\
\bfseries{Date:} & \today & \\\\\\
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\fancyhead[CE,CO]{{Annual Thesis Report (2013-2014)}} %
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%\fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\textit{\copyright A. Mangla}} %
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\section{Work Objectives}
The goals of this work are as following:
\item Understanding the behavior of ballisticity in nanoscale \mosfet{}s focusing especially on
the electrostatics.
\item Modeling the charge
and potential in \bal{} and \qb{} double-gate \mosfet{}{}s in a semi-empirical manner that is
more approachable to a designer.
\section{Work Achieved in the Past Year}
\subsection{Subsection heading 1}
\caption{\subref{fig:1a},\subref{fig:1c} Potential
profile \subref{fig:1b},\subref{fig:1d} Carrier density
profile of the \SIlist{10;100}{\nm} ballistic and diffusive devices.
$\Vd=$\SI{0.5}{V}, $\Vs=$\SI{0}{V}.}
\subsection{Subsection heading 2}
\includegraphics[width=0.25\columnwidth]{pgmos} \caption{Geometry of the proposed
partially gated \textsc{dgsoi} \mosfet{}. %used for the Monte-Carlo
% simulations.
The channel length $L\sub{c}$ is the length of the semiconductor between the source and drain
junctions. The gate length $L\sub{G}$ is the length of the channel covered by the metal gate.
This structure was simulated for $\LGoverLc=$ \numlist{0.1;0.3;0.5;0.9;1}.}
% \includegraphics{potxPG100}
% \includegraphics{ndxPG100}
\caption{\subref{fig:3:2a},\subref{fig:3:4a},\subref{fig:3:3a},\subref{fig:3:5a} Potential
profile \subref{fig:3:2b},\subref{fig:3:4b},\subref{fig:3:3b},\subref{fig:3:5b} Carrier density
profile of the \SIlist{10;100}{\nm} partial-gate devices with different
\nicefrac{L\sub{G}}{L\sub{c}} ratios.
$\Vd=$\SI{0.5}{V}, $\Vs=$\SI{0}{V}}
\subsection{Subsection heading 3}
\section{Current State of the Work}
Writing and editing of the PhD dissertation has begun and is expected to be finished by the end of
June 2014.
\section{Calendar of Upcoming Work}
\begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth} l}
Submission of the thesis & June 2014\\\\
Private thesis defense & August 2014
\section{Scientific Publications, Presentations, Conferences}