% The title of the presentation:
% - first a short version which is visible at the bottom of each slide;
% - second the full title shown on the title slide;
\title[TU/e style for Beamer]{
Eindhoven University of Technology style for Beamer \LaTeX}
% Optional: a subtitle to be dispalyed on the title slide
\subtitle{Show where you're from}
% The author(s) of the presentation:
% - again first a short version to be displayed at the bottom;
% - next the full list of authors, which may include contact information;
\author[Pim Vullers MSc]{
Pim Vullers MSc \\\medskip
{\small \url{p.vullers@cs.ru.nl}} \\
{\small \url{http://www.cs.ru.nl/~pim/}}}
% The institute:
% - to start the name of the university as displayed on the top of each slide
% this can be adjusted such that you can also create a Dutch version
% - next the institute information as displayed on the title slide
\institute[Eindhoven University of Technology]{
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science \\
Eindhoven University of Technology}
% Add a date and possibly the name of the event to the slides
% - again first a short version to be shown at the bottom of each slide
% - second the full date and event name for the title slide
\date[slides Example 2012]{
the 1st example presentation 2012 \\
4th May 2012}
% Section titles are shown in at the top of the slides with the current section
% highlighted. Note that the number of sections determines the size of the top
% bar, and hence the university name and logo. If you do not add any sections
% they will not be visible.
\item This is just a short example
\item The comments in the \LaTeX\ file are most important
\item This is just the result after running pdflatex
\item The style is based on the webpage \url{http://www.tue.nl/}
\section{Background information}
\frametitle{Background information}
\begin{block}{Slides with \LaTeX}
Beamer offers a lot of functions to create nice slides using \LaTeX.
\begin{block}{The basis}
This style uses the following default styles:
\item split
\item whale
\item rounded
\item orchid
\section{The important things}
\frametitle{The important things}
\item This just shows the effect of the style
\item It is not a Beamer tutorial
\item Read the Beamer manual for more help
\item Contact me only concerning the style file
\section{Analysis of the work}
\frametitle{Analysis of the work}
This style file gives your slides some nice TU/e branding.
When you know how to work with the Beamer package it is easy to use.
Just add:\\ ~~~$\backslash$usepackage$\{$tue$\}$ \\ at the top of your file.
\item Easy to use
\item Good results