% LTeX: enabled=false
% !TeX encoding=utf8
% !TeX program = pdflatex
%% This is the main excute file (smaple)
%% Document Class
% draft, % draft mode (no images, layout errors shown). Commented to switch to final mode
12pt, % font size
leqno, % put eq num to the left
]{scrbook} % Classes: scrartcl, scrreprt, scrbook
%% Preambles
\input{preambles/basic} % must be loaded first
\input{preambles/font} % font setting
\input{preambles/layout} % layout setting
\input{preambles/section} % section setting
\input{preambles/math} % math setting
\input{preambles/index} % index packages
\input{preambles/refs} % hyperref, careful about its loading
\input{preambles/bib} % bib packages
\input{preambles/lmacros} % lower macros
\input{preambles/bugfix} % bugfix
%% User-defined preambles
\input{user/notations} % notations
\input{user/additions} % additions
\input{user/enviroments} % enviroments
%% Pre-contents
\input{precontents/titlepage} % Title page + copyright
\input{precontents/front} % abstract + dedication + acknowledgements
%% Document start
%% Front
\input{metadata} % Metadata of the thesis
\addchap{Figures and Tables}
%% Mainmatter