Dartmouth PhD Thesis
David Freund, Daryl DeFord, Marek Svoboda
Last Updated:
hace 3 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Last updated: December 2021

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Last updated: December 2021
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% This version of the thesis template has been updated for the February 2017 thesis guidelines provided by the School of Graduate and Advanced Studies by David Freund and Daryl DeFord. It was later further updated by Marek Svoboda on 12/25/2021 to conform to the latest update in the guidelines from 10/05/2021.
% Some good options are draft and singlespacing, for drafts, and *final*, for the final cut, and noheadings, for a printout without headings. You can also use the copyright option to add a copyright. Note: final will enforce a bunch of different options, like oneside, 12pt and doublespacing, as well as make the margins correct. Draft has larger margins and is appropriate for twosided printing.
%%%% IMPORTANT %%%%%
% Because dvips doesn't know/care about the page size of the dvi file its working on, and because its so important that the margins of your thesis are correct you have to make sure that you are using the command dvi -t letter *thesisnamehere*
% If you are using a terminal this is straightforward, but if you are using a tex editing program it make take a little bit of searching before you figure out how to make this work.
% Alternatively, you might consider compiling using pdflatex, which compiles straight to a PDF and doesn't have this problem.
% Some Defaults
\committee[F. Jon Kull, Ph.D.]{}{}{}{}
\School{Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies}{Dartmouth College}{Hanover, New Hampshire}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\field{Quantitative Biomedical Sciences}
% List of approved fields:
% - Biochemistry and Cell Biology
% - Biological Sciences
% - Cancer Biology
% - Chemistry
% - Cognitive Neuroscience
% - Computer Science
% - Digital Musics
% - Earth Sciences
% - Ecology, Evolution, Environment and Society
% - Engineering Sciences [TITLE PAGE DIFFERS - SEE GUIDELINES]
% - Experimental and Molecular Medicine
% - Health Policy and Clinical Practice
% - Integrative Neuroscience
% - Master of Arts in Liberal Studies [TITLE PAGE DIFFERS - SEE GUIDELINES]
% - Mathematics
% - Microbiology and Immunology
% - Molecular and Systems Biology
% - Physics and Astronomy
% - Psychological and Brain Sciences
% - Quantitative Biomedical Sciences
% Additional Packages (add as desired)
%\usepackage{mkindex} %Uncomment if you would like to have an index. Compiling with an index takes more work than compiling without one. You will have to look up how to use the index package.
% Change or add to as desired.
% These two commands make the first enumerations look like (a) and the second level like (i).
% These commands make the section headings Boldface and not all caps. It also removes the chapter numbers
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{{\sc #1}}{{\sc #1}}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{{\sc \thesection\ #1}}}
% These commands have lowercase headings with chapter numbers.
%\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
% Theorem Declarations
% A basic set of theorem declarations. Add or remove as desired.
%This is for an index. More work is neede for a notation index
% Macros
% Add your math macros here
% Title Page Information
% Your personal info goes here!
\title{Pretty Okay: A summary of technological methods for determining the veracity of certain obnoxious phrases}
\author{The Myth}
\date{December 2021}
\field{Quantitative Biomedical Sciences}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
%As an optional arguement to \committee you can specify the dean of graduate studies.
\committee{LGF}{The Mustache}{The Big Cheese}{Totally Real Subfield}
%Front end of thesis
%NOTE: Must be less than 350 words.
%This is so the abstract appears in the ToC
Write your abstract here.
Preface and Acknowledgments go here!
%Table of Contents
%Add a list of tables
%Add a list of figures
%Main Portion of Thesis
%Backend of thesis (references and the like)
%Add your bibliography filename and uncomment these lines
%\markboth{{\sffamily\sc Bibliography}}{}
%Uncomment if you want an index