Dagstuhl Seminar Report Template
Ozan Cakmakci
Last Updated
hace 9 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar TBD "Seminar Sample".
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar TBD "Seminar Sample".
%This is a template for producing reports for "Dagstuhl Reports".
%See dagrep.pdf for furhter information.
%for A4 paper format use option "a4paper", for US-letter use option "letterpaper"
%for british hyphenation rules use option "UKenglish", for american hyphenation rules use option "USenglish"
%for section-numbered lemmas etc., use "numberwithinsect"
\usepackage{microtype}%if unwanted, comment out or use option "draft"
\bibliographystyle{plain}%the recommnded bibstyle
\subject{Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 11013}
\title{Seminar Sample}
\titlerunning{11013 -- Seminar Sample}%optional
\author[1]{John Q. Open}
\author[2]{Joan R. Access}
\affil[1]{Dummy University Computing Laboratory, Dummy Country
\affil[2]{Department of Informatics, Dummy College Address, Country
\authorrunning{John Q. Open and Joan R. Access}%optional
\keywords{Sample Article, Dagstuhl Seminar, Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop}%optional
%Organizer macros:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\semdata{03.--07.~January, 2011 -- \url{http://www.dagstuhl.de/11013}}
\subjclass{B.3.3 Performance Analysis and Design Aids,
B.5.1 Design,
C.1.2 Multiple Data Stream Architectures (Multiprocessors),
D.1.3 Concurrent Programming}%optional
\additionaleditors{Tom Collector}%optional
%Dagstuhl editorial office macros:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\volumeinfo%(easychair interface)
{John Q. Open and Joan R. Access}%editors
{2}%number of editors
{Seminar Sample}%event
{1}%starting page number
\DOI{10.4230/DagRep.1.1.1}%(DagRep.<issue no>.<volume no>.<firstpage>)
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 11013 ``Seminar Sample''. For a real abstract, one should write a little bit more here.
\section{Executive Summary}
\summaryauthor[John Q. Open and Joan R. Access]{%
John Q. Open (Dummy University Computing Laboratory, DC, open@dummyuni.org)\\
Joan R. Access (Department of Informatics, Dummy College Address, DC, access@dummycollege.org)
This summary summarizes the outcomes of our seminar. The seminar focused on\begin{itemize}
\item important issues,
\item relevant problems, and
\item adequate solutions.
As a major result from the seminar, the following problems have been identified:
\item The problem of writing a brief, but concise executive summary.
\item The problem of collecting all abstracts from talks.
\item The problem of preparing summaries from working groups, open problem sessions, and panel discussions.
\section{Overview of Talks}
\abstracttitle{A sample talk}
\abstractauthor[John Doe]{John Doe (Somewhere University -- Somewhere City, DC, john@doe.org)}
\jointwork{Doe, John; Jane, Doe}
\abstractref[http://dx.doi.org/1234.12/Doe.DOI.34]{Doe, John; Doe, Jane, Sample talk abstracts used for Dagstuhl Reports, Journal of Seminar Documentation, 1:8, pp.~34--78.}
Providing a documentation for a Dagstuhl Seminar is mandatory. We focus on talk abstracts and show that a talk abstract can be tagged with co-authors appearing in the joint-work-of-field. Furthermore, a talk abstract can state one main reference on which the talk is based.
Details are given in \cite{dagrep-manual} and \cite{dagrep-sample}.
\bibitem{dagrep-manual} Schloss Dagstuhl -- Editorial Office,\textsl{The dagrep class}. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2011.
\bibitem{dagrep-sample} John Q. Open; Joan R. Access, \textsl{Seminar Sample}, Dagstuhl Reports, 1:1, 1--8, 2011.
\section{Working Groups }
\abstracttitle{Working Group on Preparing an issue for Dagstuhl Reports}
\abstractauthor[John Q. Open, Jane Doe]{%
John Q. Open (Dummy University Computing Laboratory, DC, open@dummyuni.org)\\
Jane Doe (Somewhere University -- Somewhere City, DC, jane@doe.org)
This working group focused on how to prepare an working group summary for an issue of Dagstuhl Reports.
\subsubsection{Discussed Problems}
\item The authorship problem: Who was involved in the working group and who should act as author for this summary.
\item Further problems.
\subsubsection{Possible Approaches}
For the authorship problem we found that naming all people involved in the working group is adequate.
The authorship problem occurs frequently, but it can be solved pragmatically.
\section{Open Problems}
\abstracttitle{A very open problem}
\abstractauthor[Joan R. Access, Jane Doe]{%
Joan R. Access (Dummy Affilliation, DC, access@dummycollege.org)\\
Jane Doe (Somewhere University -- Somewhere City, DC, jane@doe.org)
There may be some open problems with preparing an issue for Dagstuhl Reports. One possible solution is to contact Dagstuhl's editorial office at \texttt{reports@dagstuhl.de}.
Details are given in \cite{dagrep-manual2} and \cite{dagrep-sample2}.
\bibitem{dagrep-manual2} Schloss Dagstuhl -- Editorial Office,\textsl{The dagrep class}. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2011.
\bibitem{dagrep-sample2} John Q. Open; Joan R. Access, \textsl{Seminar Sample}, Dagstuhl Reports, 1:1, 1--8, 2011.
\section{Panel Discussions}
\subsection{Panel Discussion on ``LaTeX Environments for Dagstuhl Reports''}
\item Joan R. Access (Dummy Affilliation, DC)
\item Jane Doe (Somewhere University, DC)
\item John Q. Open (Dummy University Computing Laboratory, DC)
\paragraph{Joan R. Access}
This is the statement of Joan R. Access.
\paragraph{Jane Doe}
And this is the statement of Jane Doe.
\paragraph{John Q. Open}
John Q. Open -- believe it or not -- also gave a statement.
The statements have been heavily discussed. Next time, John Doe should join the panelists.
\participant Joan R. Access\\ Dummy Affilliation, DC
\participant Jane Doe\\ Somewhere University, DC
\participant John Doe\\ Somewhere University, DC
\participant John Q. Open\\ Dummy University Computing Laboratory, DC