% load settings
\title{Title of the Poster}
% note: only give author names, not institute
\author{John Doe}
% insert correct institute name
\institute{Institute for Medical Engineering,\\
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany\\}
% shows author email address below institute
%\date is unused by the current \maketitle
% adjust the width of the logos and the title
% The following commands can be used to alter the default logo settings.
\leftlogo[1.2]{logos/logos} % defines logo to left of title (with scale factor)
%\rightlogo[1.0]{logos/emvlogo} % same but on right
\norightlogo % same as \rightlogo{}, but also widens space available for title.
% begin of Document
% define conference poster is presented at (appears as footer)
\conference{Presented at the \enquote{Title of the Conference}, City, Country, Year}
% begin of multicols enviroment
\begin{block}{Why to give a poster:}
\item show the main arguments and results of your work
\item produce interest to read the full paper/report
\item goal: be educational and also entertaining
\begin{block}{Advantages of using \LaTeX ~with the \texttt{sciposter} package:}
\item very easy if the report is already written in \LaTeX
\item different themes which are usable in practice
\item possibility to adopt presentation slides using \emph{beamerarticle}
\begin{block}{Pythagoras theorem:}
a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \label{eq:pythogoras}
\end{equation} \end{block}
\begin{block}{It follows that:}
a^2 &= c^2 - b^2 \\
b^2 &= c^2 - a^2
\caption{Example table}
variable & meaning \\
$t$ & time \\
$U$ & voltage \\
\caption{Logo of the university.}
xlabel={time, $t$ (in \si{\milli\second})},
ylabel={voltage, $u(t)$ (in \si{\volt})},
legend pos=south west,
% example how to insert a line by giving a formula directly
] {sin(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230};
\addlegendentry{sine wave-form};
] {cos(deg(x*2*pi/20))*sqrt(2)*230};
\addlegendentry{cosine wave-form};
\caption{Harmonic time course of a voltage with a frequency of \SI{50}{\hertz}
and an effective value of \SI{230}{\volt}}
\item you may use short citations like~\cite{grossman:chicago_manual}
\item people can look up the numbers in the list of references
\item alternative: use full citations instead
\begin{block}{Example for a full citation:}
\section{Summary and Outlook}
\item summarize the main results of your work
\item also talk about remaining tasks or problems
\item What research questions are still open?
\item Where would you continue if you have more time?
\begin{block}{Download from \url{http://www.insert.your.url/} or via QR Code:}
% references section