Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale
Thomas Pellard
Last Updated
hace 5 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Style sheet for the journal Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale
Style sheet for the journal Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale
\usepackage{blindtext}% for dummy text
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Ligatures=Common, Numbers=OldStyle, SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=UppercaseSmallCaps, WordSpace=2, LetterSpace=8}]{Linux Libertine O}% The Brill font should be used instead, but it is not available on Overleaf
%%%%% Metadata
\title{Title of the article}
\subtitle{Subtitle of the article}
%%% The short title an author are printed in the page headers
\shorttitle{Short title}
\shortauthor{Short Author}
%%% Doi is optional
%%% Authors should be input with the following commands
\claoauthor{First Author}{Institution}{address@mail.mail}
\claoauthor{Second Author}{Institution}{address@mail.mail}
The \texttt{clao.sty} package approximates the style sheet of the journal \textit{Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale} (\url{}). Submissions to the journal are not required to use this package. The extension is however useful for getting an idea of the approximate number of pages of a manuscript and for anticipating problems with large tables and figures.
The extension can only be used with the \texttt{scrartcl} class. The following packages are automatically loaded: \texttt{calc, geometry, scrlayer-scrpage, hyperref, enumitem, datatool, gb4e, xpatch, csquotes, polyglossia, biblatex}.
The journal uses the Brill font, which can be freely downloaded from \url{}, but since it is not available directly on Overleaf, this document uses the Linux Libertine O font instead.\end{abstract}
keyword -- keyword -- keyword -- keyword -- keyword
mot clé -- mot clé -- mot clé -- mot clé -- mot clé
\ex \gll Ceci est un test\\
This is a test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is a test}
\ex \gll Ceci est un autre test\\
This is a other test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is another test}
\ex \gll Ceci est un test\\
This is a test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is a test}
\ex \gll Ceci est un autre test\\
This is a other test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is another test}