Boğaziçi University FBE Thesis Template
Serhat Kaya
Last Updated
hace 8 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis template for Institute o Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
Thesis template for Institute o Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % To use Unicode (e.g. Turkish) characters
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
% Some extra symbols
\graphicspath{{figures/}} % Graphics will be here
%\includeonly{introduction} % To only process the given file
\turkcebaslik{TEZ BAŞLIĞI}
\degree{B.S., Program Name, Boğaziçi University, 2010}
\author{Name Surname}
\program{Your Program}
\supervisor{Prof. Name Surname}
%\cosuperi{Title and Name of Cosupervisor I}
%\cosuperii{Title and Name of Cosupervisor II}
\examineri{Assoc. Prof. Name Surname}
\examinerii{Assist. Prof. Name Surname}
\examineriii{Name Surname, Ph.D.}
\makemstitle % M.S. thesis
Acknowledgements come here...
One page abstract will come here.
Bir sayfa uzunluğunda özet gelecektir.
% The title will be typeset as "LIST OF SYMBOLS".
% Use a separate \sym command for each symbols definition.
% First Latin symbols in alphabetical order
\sym{$a_{ij}$}{Description of $a_{ij}$}
\sym{$\mathbf{A}$}{State transition matrix of a hidden Markov model}
% Then Greek symbols in alphabetical order
\sym{$\alpha$}{Blending parameter \textit{or} scale}
\sym{$\beta_t(i)$}{Backward variable}
\sym{$\Theta$}{Parameter set}
\sym{ }{}
% Abbreviations in alphabetical order
\sym{2D}{Two Dimensional}
\sym{3D}{Three Dimensional}
\sym{AAM}{Active Appearance Model}
\sym{ASM}{Active Shape Model}
Start with an introduction...
Experiments and results come here...
\section{Sample Section}
Always place some text after headings before putting a graphics into
a section as seen in Figure \ref{fig:sample}.
\caption{Sin and
\vskip\baselineskip % Leave a vertical skip below the figure
Now, let us cite some studies: one source as \cite{doebelin}, two
sources as \cite{doebelin,exoplanetwebsite} or you may cite three or
more sources as
liudissertation} \nocite{paper-IAT-2006-labels}
Observe that they are ordered in the references chapter in the same
order as
they are cited. Let us put a sample table as seen in Table
\ref{table:sample}. Please pay attention that the caption is followed
by a period.
\caption[Sample table]{Sample table.}
& \textbf{Header 1}& \textbf{Header 2}\\\hline
\textbf{Row 1} & Bla bla bla& Bla bla bla \\\hline
\textbf{Row 2} & Bla bla bla & Bla bla bla \\\hline
Footnotes should be avoided as possible. If there is an absolute
necessity, footnotes should be used as this.\footnote{Example of a
Item lists may be represented as follows:
\item This is an item. Do not use boldface for the items.
\item This is a sub-item. Subsub-items are not allowed.
\item Another item.
% \item
% \end{enumerate}
Item lists may also be represented as follows:
\item This is another enumerated item.
\item This is another sub-item.
The solutions of the equation $ax^2+bx+c=0$ with $a\neq 0$ are
x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}
We use the method of completing the square to rewrite $ax^2+bx+c$.
ax^2+bx+c&=a\left( x^2 + \frac{b}{a}x+\right)+c \\
&=a\left( x^2 + \frac{b}{a}x+ \left(\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2
-\left(\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2 +\right)+c \\
&=a\left( x+\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2 -
&= a\left( x+\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2- \frac{b^2-4ac}{4a}.
Therefore $ax^2+bx+c=0$ can be rewritten as
a\left( x+\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2- \frac{b^2-4ac}{4a}=0,
which can in turn be rearranged as
\left( x+\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2= \frac{b^2-4ac}{4a^2}.
Taking square roots gives
x+\frac{b}{2a}= \frac{\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}
which implies
x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}
as required.
Finally, we will put a sample algorithm (PCA algorithm) using the
relevant package in a figure as shown in Figure \ref{alg:pca} and
sample equations.
\STATE \textbf{Require} $\mathbf{s_i},\ i=1,2,\dots,N$ are normalized
\STATE Compute the mean $\mathbf{\bar{s}}$ using Eq. \ref{eq:mean};
\STATE Form the $N\times2L$ matrix $\mathbf{Q}$ as defined in Eq.
\IF{ $N < 2\times L$}
\STATE $\mathbf{Q} \Leftarrow \mathbf{Q}^T$ ;
\STATE Compute the covariance matrix $\mathbf{C}_s$ using Eq.
\ref{eq:cov_matrix};\STATE Decompose $\mathbf{C}_s$
to its eigenvectors $\mathbf{e}_k$ and eigenvalues $\lambda_k$
satisfying Eq. \ref{eq:pca};
\IF{ $N < 2\times L$}
\FOR{$k=1$ to $K$}
\STATE $\mathbf{e}_k \Leftarrow \mathbf{Q}\mathbf{e}_k $ ;
\STATE $\mathbf{e}_k \Leftarrow \mathbf{e}_k/||\mathbf{e}_k|| $
\caption[Principal Component Analysis Algorithm]{Principal Component
Analysis Algorithm.}
% \vskip
\mathbf{\bar{s}} & =\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \mathbf{s}_i
\mathbf{Q} & =\left[
\mathbf{s}_1 - \mathbf{\bar{s}} & \mathbf{s}_2 - \mathbf{\bar{s}} &
\cdots & \mathbf{s}_N - \mathbf{\bar{s}}
\right]_{2L\times N }
\mathbf{C}_s & =\frac{1}{N} \mathbf{Q}^T \mathbf{Q}
\mathbf{C}_s \mathbf{e}_k = \lambda_k \mathbf{e}_k
\subsection{Example of First Subheadings}
Some text here
\subsubsection{Example of Second Subheadings}
Some text here too.
The conclusions of the thesis should come
% \nocite{NewEntry1,NewEntry2,NewEntry3,NewEntry4,NewEntry5,
% NewEntry6,
% NewEntry7,NewEntry8,NewEntry9,NewEntry10,NewEntry11,NewEntry12}
The appendices start here.