Berkeley 2020 Letterhead 4 color formal version
Chris Hoofnagle
Last Updated
hace 4 años
Other (as stated in the work)
This is the 2020 letterhead released by the Berkeley campus in Word + traditional Berkeley fonts.
This is the 2020 letterhead released by the Berkeley campus in Word + traditional Berkeley fonts.
% UC Berkeley Modern Formal Color Letterhead
% LaTeX Template
% April 2020
% Adapted from Microsoft Word template
% by Chris Hoofnagle
% License: faculty and staff of the University of California are free to use this template
\documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{letter} %this controls the paper style and font size
\usepackage{graphicx} % necessary for logos
\usepackage{lipsum} %you can delete this
\usepackage{parskip} % for spacing
\usepackage{geometry} % so that page 2> have 1" margins
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % for fancy headers
\fancyhead{} % footer for pages 2 on
\lfoot{\footnotesize {\textit{Letter from \Who{} regarding ...}}} % Left footer
\cfoot{} % Change for center footer
\rfoot{\footnotesize Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}} % Right footer page #s
%this gives you Berkeley fonts
BoldFont = UCBerkeleyOSBold.otf ,
ItalicFont = UCBerkeleyOSItalic.otf ,
BoldItalicFont = UCBerkeleyOSBoldItalic.otf ]
%Sender Information -- Edit this to fill in the header
\def\Who{Firstname Lastname} % Fill in your name here
\def\Title{Title} % Your title
\def\Where{Department} % Your department/institution
\def\Address{Address} % Your address
\def\CityZip{Berkeley CA, 94720} % Your city, zip code, country, etc
\def\Email{E-mail:} % Your email address
\def\TEL{Phone: (510) 642--0000} % Your phone number
\def\TELM{Mobile: (510) XXX--XXXX} % Do you dare put your mobile here? How about a fax?
\def\URL{https://*} % Your URL
%first page margins are different to accommodate the letterhead
\topmargin=-1.1in % Moves the top margin; here it is a negative value to move the text up
\textheight=9.5in % Total text height for this page
\oddsidemargin=-10pt % Left margin; widened here with a negative value
\textwidth=7in % Text width
\let\raggedleft\raggedright % Makes the date appear on the left
\begin{letter}{Recipient name \\ Street\\ City\\ Country \\ [\parskip]
Re:} %put the recipient information here and maybe a reference line
% This controls the header. The Berkeley wordmark and seal are in the same image. The text is put atop it.
\put(150,33){\textbf{\footnotesize \Who }}
\put(150,22){\footnotesize \Title }
\put(150,11){\footnotesize \Where }
\put(280,33){\footnotesize \Address }
\put(280,22){\footnotesize \CityZip }
\put(280,11){\footnotesize \TEL }
\put(280,0){\footnotesize \TELM } % Comment this out to omit your mobile
\put(280,-11){\footnotesize \Email }
\put(280,-22){\footnotesize \URL }
\opening{Dear Professor Recipient Name,}
Replace these contents with your own!
\lipsum[1-3] %erase this to remove placeholder text
\newpage % use this command to break to page 2. It's included here so that the margins will be different on pages 2+
\newgeometry{top=1in,bottom=1in,right=1in,left=1in} %page dimensions for page 2+
\textbf{Feel free to use}
\item bullets
\item numbered lists
\item numbered lists interrupted by bullets
\item A bullet between numbers
\item Yes, anything is possible
\textit{The quote command:}
Hello my friend, we've been waiting for you for a long time \\
We have reason to believe that your soul is just like ours \\
Did you ever get the feeling you were just a little different? \\
Well, here’s our web page, you've finally found a home
\textbf{\textit{The verse command:}}
As for me, I am light and joyous! I discover in men dazzling perspectives, with Paradises in the clouds and distant felicities. I pour into their souls the eternal insanities, projects of happiness, plans for the future, dreams of glory, and oaths of love, as well as virtuous resolutions. I drive them on perilous voyages and on mighty enterprises. I have carved with my claws the marvels of architecture. It is I that hung the little bells on the tomb of Porsenna, and surrounded with a wall of Corinthian brass the quays of the Atlantides.
I seek fresh perfumes, larger flowers, pleasures hitherto unknown. If anywhere I find a man whose soul reposes in wisdom, I fall upon him and strangle him.
% \includegraphics[]{} You can put an image of your signature here.
\ps{P.S. Fiat Lux}
\cc{Carbon Copy 1\\Carbon Copy 2}
\encl{Memorandum} %for enclosures