Automata and Logic Engineering Report template for Fontys
Georgiana Manolache
Last Updated
hace 5 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX Automata and Logic Engineering report template
LaTeX Automata and Logic Engineering report template
% Fontys ALE Report Style template for LaTeX
% Public version 1.0
% 2020 Georgiana Manolache
% THIS IS THE MAIN FILE (i.e. compile this file, compiling the others directly won't work)
%all the other includes etc. are done in the thesis.sty file.
% These commands need to be defined in order to produce a correct and personalized document
\newcommand{\shortdoctitle}{ALE1/ALE2 Report}
\newcommand{\doctitle}{Automata and Logic Engineering 1/2}
\newcommand{\docsubtitle}{ALE1/ALE2 Report}
\newcommand{\me}{My Name}
% \newcommand{\keywords}{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3}
\newcommand{\version}{EMPTY version}
\newcommand{\monthYear}{Month 202X}
%If you use this template as a graduation internship report, be sure to use all the titles for your committee members!!! (their names show up on the very first page!)
% \newcommand{\firstCommitteeMember}{Your First Committee Member}
% \newcommand{\secondCommitteeMember}{Your second Committee Member, usually the daily supervisor}
% \newcommand{\thirdCommitteeMember}{Your Third Committee Member, usually the external member}
%use this include for PDF and distribution versions
% Uncomment if applicable
% \listoftables
%from here on, start the 'real' page numbering, from 1, with normal digits
\chapter{Parse \& Tree}\label{chapter:parse_tree}
\chapter{Truth table \& Hash code}\label{chapter:truth_table_hash_code}
\chapter{Software design}\label{chapter:software_design}
\chapter{Conclusions and future recommendations}\label{chapter:conclusions}
%Choose a good bibliography style, plain would do often, but these might be nice too
%Uncomment and add files if
% \appendix
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix}
% \input{appendices/main}