An Honours Thesis in Curtin Astronomy
Cathryn Trott
Last Updated
hace 6 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is template thesis structure for the Curtin University Honours dissertation in radio astronomy.
This is template thesis structure for the Curtin University Honours dissertation in radio astronomy.
\newcommand{\aap}{A\and A}
\newcommand{\iaucirc}{IAU Circular}
\newcommand{\apss}{Ap\and SS}
\newcommand{\araa}{ARA\and A}
\newcommand{\procspie}{Proceedings of the SPIE}
\title{An Honours Thesis in Curtin Astronomy}
\author{Name Student Number\\Supervisor: Supervisor Name 1\\Co-Supervisor: Supervisor Name 2}
{\LARGE \textbf{Thesis Title: this is an alternative header page}}
(Curtin ID: XXXXX})\\[0.5cm]
DATE \\[2cm]}
Curtin University\\
International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research\\[0.5cm]
Supervisor:& Name 1\\
Co-supervisor:& Name 1
An overview of my work.
%The majority of studies surrounding BHs rely on examining how the presence of a BH influences the environment in which it lives.
An introduction
\section{My methodology}
\subsection{A subsection of my methodology}
A figure with label \ref{ionisation}.
\caption{Figure taken from \cite{}.}
A table with label \ref{optical}.
\caption{Full galaxy sample and properties.}
\begin{tabular}{l c r c c r c c}
I.D\tnote{1} & Name\tnote{2} & D\tnote{3} & \textit{Z}\tnote{4} & $M_*$\tnote{5} & SFR\tnote{6} & X-ray\tnote{7} & Alternate Name\\
& (SDSS) & & & & & Sources & \\
72 \tnote{8}& J024240.70$-$000047.9 & 18.6 & 8.93$\pm$0.25& 7.39 & -0.27 & $>2$ & M077\\ % 02:42:39.86 & -00:00:58.64 &
21 & J083743.48$+$513830.2 & 10.8 & 7.95$\pm$0.08 & 6.04 & -1.84 & 0 & Mrk 0094 \\ % 08:37:43.48 & 51:38:30.26 &
101 & J101624.51+375445.9 & 17.2 & 7.80$\pm$0.05 & 6.58 & -1.50 & 0 & --- \\ % 10:16:24.53 & 37:54:45.97 &
62 & J103410.15+580349.1 & 33.0 & 7.78$\pm$0.06 & 7.00 & -1.21 & 2 & Mrk 1434 \\ % 10:34:10.15 & 58:03:49.06 &
124 & J104653.98+134645.7 & 46.9& 7.92$\pm$0.09 & 6.81 & -1.15 & 0 & --- \\ % 10:46:53.99 & 13:46:45.77 &
59 & J105308.48+501704.9 & 19.2 & 7.94$\pm$0.08 & 6.04 & -2.12 & 1 & ---\\ % 10:53:10.82 & 50:16:53.21 &
178 & J111746.29+174424.6 & 21.8 & 7.90$\pm$0.09 & 6.62 & -1.44 & 2 & ---\\ % 11:17:46.30 & 17:44:24.69 &
149 & J114107.48+322537.2 & 26.6 & 7.79$\pm$0.05 & 6.04 & -1.80 & 1 & KUG 1138+327\\ % 11:41:07.49 & 32:25:37.22 &
8 & J115237.67$-$022806.3 & 15.6 & 7.84$\pm$0.09 & 6.71 & -1.45 & 2 & --- \\ % 11:52:37.68 & -02:28:06.39 &
147 & J121749.30+375155.5 & 2.7 & 7.92$\pm$0.09 & 6.02 & -2.59 & 0 & --- \\
An example equation
\psi(M_{\odot} \text{ yr}^{-1})=
5.52\times10^{-22}L_{1.4\text{GHz}}, & L>L_c\\
\frac{5.52\times10^{-22}}{0.1+0.9(L/L_c)^{0.3}}L_{1.4\text{GHz}}, & L\leq L_c
\section{Conclusion and Future Work}\label{sec:conlusion}
This is where we put appended information.