2022B NASA Keck
Jorge Zavala
Last Updated
hace 2 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Science Program template in Latex (originally from: https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/)
\usepackage{graphicx,amssymb,amsmath,multicol} %% figure package
%% User-defined commands --->>> Please enter the short title and semester here: <<<---
\newcommand{\stitle}{Short title} %%% Short title for this proposal
\newcommand{\obssemester}{Semester} %%% Semester for this proposal
%% You can add user-defined commands below (a few examples are already included):
%% Margin Setup
%% set 1-inch margins
%% Style definitions and options for the proposal template
\fancyhead[L]{\stitle, \obssemester}
\fancyfoot[LE, RO]{\thepage \rightmark}
%%%%%%%%%%% Please remove this part below before submitting your proposal %%%%%%%%%%%
\small{Header should include a short title and semester. \\
Do NOT include your name.}
\Large{\bf{Template for NASA Keck Science Program}} \\
\small{[the first 2 pages of this template contain general information and instructions; please remove them before submitting your proposal]}
The NASA Keck proposal review is now using a Dual Anonymous Proposal Review (DAPR) process. We have prepared
\href{https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/DAPR_proposer.shtml}{Guidelines for Proposers}
to assist with the preparation of your anonymous proposal. {\bf Use of this template is required.} \\
In addition to this anonymously written Science Program, each proposal must also include a non-anonymized Expertise and Access (E\&A) document
prepared using this template available in
Further information on both the E\&A document and the Science Program document can be found in the
\href{https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen_info.shtml}{Call for Proposals.} \\
Email us at \href{mailto:keckcfp@ipac.caltech.edu}{keckcfp@ipac.caltech.edu} with any questions.\\
\begin{tabular*}{0.98\textwidth}{| p{0.5\textwidth} | p{0.38\textwidth} |}
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf{}** SCIENCE PROGRAM PAGE LIMITS **} \\
\hspace{0.1in} 1. Science Case & up to 2 pages \\ \hline
\hspace{0.1in} 2. Instrument Request & up to 1 page \\ \hline
\hspace{0.1in} 3. Figures and Tables & up to 1 page \\ \hline
\hspace{0.1in} 4. References & up to 1 page \\ \hline
{\bf Total for Science Plan} & {\bf up to 5 pages} \\ \hline
\hspace{0.1in} 5. Target list & no limit \\ \hline
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.1in} $\bullet$ The NExScI coversheet is generated via the submission website and includes}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.25in} fields for a title, PI and co-I names, abstract, NASA strategic relevance, and the}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.25in} Keck Observatory Archive data check. These should not be repeated in the }} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.25in} proposal text.}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.1in} $\bullet$ The WMKO cover sheet is generated through the
\href{https://www2.keck.hawaii.edu/inst/PILogin/login.php}{WMKO Observer Login Page}.}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.25in} The WMKO proposal number should indicate the correct semester and start}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.25in} with an “N”, indicating NASA as the allocating institution. You must upload}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{{\hspace{0.25in} a PDF of this coversheet when you submit your proposal.}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{The NExScI and WMKO coversheets do not count against the above page limits.} \\
This template is intended to outline the Science Program for a typical NASA Keck proposal. Section heading titles help make the
proposal easier to read but are not required. Multiple sections can be put onto the same page, however shortening one section does not mean you can
increase the page limit of another.
Proposals must use 12-point font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Do not change the default font in this template since other fonts have
different character spacing that can affect readability.
Once your proposal is complete, use the online \href{https://catcopy.ipac.caltech.edu/nasakeck/proposal.php}{submission portal}
to submit the following PDF documents:
\href{https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml#Ibi}{Anonymized Science Program}
\href{https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml#Ibii}{Non-anonymized Expertise and Access document}
WMKO coversheet
Mission Support letters (if applicable)
Following submission, you will receive a confirmation email with both the anonymized Science Program and the non-anonymized E\&A document attached as PDFs. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please contact us at keckcfp@ipac.caltech.edu
%%%% --->>> Start of science program <<<--- %%%%
%% customize the following sections according to the guidelines
\section{Science Case (up to 2 pages)}
Remember that all text in this template must conform to
Additionally, do not include an abstract or title here since these are captured
in the coversheet upon proposal submission. \\
Specific points that should be addressed in the science case are detailed in the
\href{http://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml#Ibi}{Call for Proposals.}
This section should demonstrate how the proposed science fits into
\href{http://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml#Ia}{NASA’s strategic use of Keck time}.
Lastly, if you are requesting
\href{http://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml#IIb}{Mission Support status},
this section should include a justification.
\section{Instrument Request/Technical Justification (up to 1 page)}
This section should contain details of your planned observations, descriptions of scheduling constraints, and
data analysis plans. Specific points that should be addressed in this section are described in the
\href{http://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml#Ibi}{Call for Proposals.}
\section{Figures, Tables (up to 1 page)}
Figures and tables can be embedded within the narrative text or presented separately, but must not total
more than one page of space. Captions may be in 10-point font.
\section{References (up to 1 page)}
References may be in 10 point font and should be formatted using the author's last name and year of cited publication,
e.g. (Smith, 2015), (Smith and Smith, 2015) or (Smith et al., 2015). \\
Do not include references and links to papers in preparation or submitted that are stored on personal web pages. References to submitted papers on public archives (e.g., arXiv) are acceptable.
\section{Target List (no page limit)}
All proposals must include a complete, well-justified and, if appropriate, prioritized \href{https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml#Ibi}{target list} with
sufficient information (magnitudes, coordinates) to determine scheduling within the semester,
including which part of the night is requested if asking for less than full nights. \emph {Proposals without
such lists will be rejected.} \\
In the case of Targets of Opportunity or sources drawn from on-going surveys or very large samples of sources (e.g. from deep extragalactic fields), a description of
the potential targets must be provided in sufficient detail for the Telescope Allocation Committee
(TAC) to make a thorough review.